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"Let's go back inside, yeah?" Fred whispered, his lips gently grazing her forehead. He felt her nod, and he grabbed her hand.

"I've missed you, El." Fred said. She tried her best not to cry, because the words were just as sensitive as how she felt at that moment.
"I've missed you, too." She whispered. Elodie stopped her movements, making him turn to face her.

"Fred, I don't know if I'm okay with this yet." She said. He knew it wasn't going to be 100%. "I love you. Only you. I didn't know what I was doing, because they weren't my actions. I'll never love anyone as much as I, you. We're apart of each other's lives every day, and that's a given. I can't put myself to see another day without you, and tonight I finally get the bloody courage to tell you exactly how I feel, how I don't feel, and why that night at Ravenclaw tower happened. The entire eight months before that night you trusted me, but I get drugged with a love potion and suddenly it's all my fault?!" Fred spat.

As he was about to cry, thinking back on everything and letting out his emotions, Elodie wrapped her arms around him. "It's okay, Freddie. I know, it wasn't you." Elodie whispered into his chest.

He looked at her through his blurred vision, holding back the others tears that threatened his eyes, and he cupped her face as she held his wrists.

"I'm yours, Freddie." Elodie said softly.

He nodded, putting his forehead to hers.

"You're mine." He repeated.

They entered the cottage hand in hand, making everyone turn their heads. Ginny looked at their hands first, and smiled. She knew it was coming.

Yvannah coughed, catching Elodie's attention. Yvannah cocked her head up to the door, and Elodie looked up to see a mistletoe.

Fred followed her gaze, and they slowly both looked at each other.

"Let's pick up right where we left off." Fred said, putting their lips together.

Elodie woke up, smiling from last night's events. After their pity party, they sat down for their Christmas Eve feast, and acted like nothing happened. She had her Freddie back, and he had his golden girl.
They were truly made for each other. Elodie looked at her finger to find a shiny diamond ring with her name on it, as Fred did actually pretend to get on one knee and propose, but just promised himself to her and vice versa.

She got out of bed, knowing today was Christmas and another day of surprises.

Elodie didn't feel like changing, so she stayed in her white long sleeve shirt that had four buttons going down the top, and red plaid pajama pants. Yvannah greeted her downstairs.

"Morning, flower." Yvannah said. "Morning, mom." Elodie replied.
"Merry Christmas!" Elodie said smiling, putting her chin on her mom's shoulder. "Merry Christmas, babe." Yvannah replied.
"So, uh, Charleigh's papers?" Elodie asked.

"Right, yeah, here." Yvannah said, walking over to the counter and grabbing the packet. Elodie smiled. Today she would be having a permanent sister.

"I'll go wake her up." Elodie said. "Oh, the twins left you a gift last night, and Fred left you one from himself, too." Yvannah told her, watching Elodie walk up the wooden stairs. Elodie nodded, and walked into hers and Charleigh's shared room.

She flopped onto Charleigh's bed, making Charleigh groan. "Wake up baby sister." Elodie said, poking Charleigh's cheek.
"Guess what? It's Christmas!" Elodie said. Charleigh's eyes shot open.

"It is!" The little girl yelled, morning still caught in her voice.

"Yep, let's go downstairs and open presents!" Elodie said, taking the girl's small hand.

"My girls second Christmas together! I didn't think I'd see this coming." Yvannah said, starting to tear up.
"Why is she crying?" Charleigh whispered to Elodie. "Um, Char, me and momma have a question." Elodie said, standing up and walking to Yvannah. Elodie grabbed her mom's hand.

"Charleigh Fae, will you let us...adopt you?" Yvannah said, holding up the packet that all three would have to sign. Charleigh froze.

They waited for a reply, anxious as ever. If she were to say no, where would Charleigh go after this? Did Charleigh even remember anything about Morgan and Thomas?

Charleigh began to cry. "Y-yes." Charleigh yelled through her tears. Elodie laughed at her reaction, and hugged her baby sister.

Yvannah had just finished signing the last section of the paper, and told Stanley, their owl, to send it to the Ministry. Charleigh was still Jian, because of Thomas, but it just made them feel more connected than before. Something about letting them adopt her made them realize the place for them in her heart was much higher than they knew.

New Years Eve came around, and Elodie had just finished doing her makeup.

"Ready?!" Yvannah yelled from downstairs. Elodie grabbed her things and ran down, closing the bedroom door on her way out.

"Yeah, let's go." Elodie said. Charleigh grabbed Elodie's hand and they walked to the Burrow.

They played games, adults drank, more games, ate, more drinking, more food, and more games. Molly then of course, heard her timer go off for her last batch of cookies. Everyone needed to be inside because the enchanted ball could drop any moment now.

Everyone piled into the living room, Elodie sat on the floor while Charleigh laid on the couch above her. Fred walked over to them and sat down on the floor with Elodie. He handed Elodie a cup of coffee, for them to stay awake longer to watch the ball drop and do their routine afterwards.

"Where's mine?" Charleigh asked. "I don't think you would like coffee." Fred said, turning his head to her. "Yes I would!" Charleigh replied sitting up. Fred looked at Elodie for approval, which she nodded in return. Fred handed Charleigh his cup, watching as she slowly drank the iced drink.

Charleigh swallowed roughly, squinting her eyes and sticking her tongue out. "What did he tell you?" Elodie asked laughing.
Fred needed some attention, so he kissed Elodie's cheek to start it off. She smiled and leaned in, Charleigh pushing their faces away from each other.

"WAIT TILL THE BALL DROPS!" Charleigh yelled. Fred and Elodie laughed. "Geez, we won't kiss next time if it means that much." Elodie said. "Yeah, he has cooties. And if you kiss he gives you cooties." Charleigh said.

Fred turned behind him, kissing Charleigh's cheek, just like how he did that night she called him her boyfriend. Her eyes widened, and she hid her face in the pillow that was on the couch.

"Now she has my cooties." Fred said. "Hey, only I can have your cooties." Elodie said, standing up and making her way to the chicken wings.

"Where are you going?" Fred asked. "To my babies." Elodie said, biting one of the pieces. "Thought I was your baby." Fred teased, pouting. "You're acting like one, yes." Elodie said smiling. He stuck his tongue out at her, making their conversation more childish.

"THE BALL'S DROPPINGGGG!" They heard George yell. Everyone stood around the glowing ball in the living room, watching as it floated downwards. George pulled Luna closer to him, ready for it to strike 1.

Fred and Elodie stood next to them, waiting just like they were.

"Ohhh LOOK!" Molly said, as it moved downwards.

"10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3....2....1!!!" Everyone yelled. George told Luna he loved her as everyone screamed. She smiled and kissed him, While Elodie said the same thing and Fred kissed her, and Charleigh ran to Yvannah, kissing her mom as her New Years kiss, as well as her new mom.

They had a good feeling about 1994.

"Cheers to '94." Elodie said to Fred. "Cheers." He said, looking into her eyes as they smiled at each other.

She's Golden // Fred Weasley Where stories live. Discover now