Chapter 5: Going After The Flagsmashers

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(Three days later)

Y/N's P.O.V

So it's been three days since the world was introduced to the new Captain America.

But I don't have time to worry about that as Sam and I were heading to Munich as we have a lead on the Flagsmashers and found out they might be there.

As Sam and I are walking through the air force base we see a poster with John Walker, the new Captain America on it.

Torres comes over to us.

Torres: Seems like a good guy, either of you met him?

Y/N: No. Thanks for doing this on short notice.

We then start walking.

Torres: It's all good, just finishing up the check list and we'll be good to go.

As we're going down the stairs I see dad walk in to the base on the bottom floor.

Y/N: (Whispers) Ah shit, here we go again.

Bucky: You shouldn't of given up the shield!

He then walks closer to us.

Y/N: Good to see you too dad.

Once Sam and I get to the bottom of the steps I look to Sam.

Y/N: Sam, can you take this, so dad and I can talk?

I hand him my bag and he takes it.

Sam: Yeah, no problem. I'll be on the plane waiting for you.

Y/N: Okay, thanks.

Sam walks off.

Dad and I then start walking.

Bucky: This is wrong.

Y/N: Look dad I'm working so this outrage of yours is gonna have to wait.

Dad points to a John Walker poster.

Bucky: So, you didn't know they were gonna do that?

Y/N: No of course I didn't know! I would never have given them the shield if I had known that was gonna happen. You don't think it broke my heart to see them bring him out and call him Captain America.

Bucky: This isn't what Steve wanted.

Y/N: Oh my god! So what do you want me to do? Call up America and tell then I've changed my mind.

He stays silent for a moment.

Y/N: Yeah right, it was a great father and son reunion dad. Be well.

Bucky: You had no right to give up the shield kid.

I stop in my tracks pissed off by what he had just said.

Y/N: Alright look old man, you don't get to come here with your over extended life and tell me what my rights are. Okay? It's over dad, besides Sam and I have more important things to deal with.

Bucky: What could be more important than this?

I then go on to tell dad about the Flagsmashers and how they've been seen in Munich by Redwing.

Bucky: Well I don't trust Redwing.

Y/N: You don't have to trust Redwing, but Sam and I are gonna go and see if he's right. Because I think they could be apart of the big three.

Bucky: What big three?

Y/N: THE big three.

Bucky: What big three?

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