Chapter 7: Father & Son Therapy

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(Several hours later)

Y/N's P.O.V

After hours of waiting Sam and I finally find out that dad is being released, and we assume it's his therapist who got him released as she got called here.

Sam and I are sitting down and waiting for dad when a woman approaches us.

???: Y/N, Sam. I've heard a lot about the both of you. I'm Dr. Raynor, I'm James' therapist.

We both stand and shake her hand.

Y/N: It's nice to finally meet you. Thanks for getting my father out of jail.

Dr. Raynor: Now that wasn't me.

???: Christina.

Sam and I look over and see that it's Walker standing there.

Sam: You gotta be shitting me. You know him?

Dr. Raynor: We did some ops together back in the day.

Walker comes over and tells us how he's the one who got dad out of jail and, how dad wouldn't need to go to therapy as he was too valuable of an assist. 

John: He and I have unfinished business, same goes for you Romanoff-Barnes and you Wilson. I'll be outside.

Y/N: What a dick.

Raynor looks over to dad, who's standing next to a desk.

Dr. Raynor: James, condition of your release session now.

She walks off and looks back at me.

Dr. Raynor: You too Y/N.

Y/N: No it's fine, I'll wait...

Dr. Raynor: That wasn't a request. This is a family session.

I sigh and follow Raynor and dad to have a family therapy session.

(Ten minutes later)

Dad and I sit down infront of Dr. Raynor as she pulls out her notepad.

Dr. Raynor: So, who would like to start?

Y/N: Look doc, I get why you want me to talk to Freaky Magoo over here. But I'm 100% fine.

Dr. Raynor: I know this is slightly unprofessional, but this is the only way I can help you two with whatever is eating at you.

I then sigh.

Y/N: This is ridiculous.

Bucky: I agree.

Dr. Raynor: See? We're already making progress. So, who wants to go first?

We both stay silent.

Dr. Raynor: No volunteers? Wow, how shocking. Okay, we're going to do an exercise. It's something I use with couples that are trying to figure the type of life they wanna build together. Are you two familiar with the miracle question?

Y/N: Of course not.

Bucky: Absolutely not.

Dr. Raynor: Okay. Suppose that while you're sleeping a miracle occurs. When you wake up, what's something you'd like to see that'd make your life better?

Bucky: Well in my miracle, he would talk alot less and stop making crappy jokes and one liners.

I look at him.

Y/N: That's really funny, I was gonna say the exact same thing. Isn't that ironic?

Dr. Raynor: Okay enough. It's time for the soul gazing exercise.

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