Chapter 18: Father & Son Bonding

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Y/N's P.O.V

Once I make it to the waterfront I see Sam's family boat. I board the boat then head down to the engine room and see Sam still working on the engine.

I go over and hold the crowbar in place for him.

Sam: Thanks.

Y/N: No problem.

I go round to the otherside of the engine.

Sam: Start loosing those bolts.

Y/N: Yep.

I take the wrench and lossen the bolts on my side.

(Two hours later)

After about an hour dad shows up and helps us out. After another hour we had to take the engine apart and outside so we could work on it.

Sam: Okay so, there should be a 3-16th bolt that goes in the big gear.

Y/N: There's not.

Sam: How'd you know? You didn't even look.

Y/N: I don't have to Sam.

We then see Sarah come over.

Bucky: Hi Sarah.

Sarah: I told you the engine wasn't the problem, and here you are.

Bucky: Yes Samuel.

Sam: In our defence, we were supposed to be finished long before you woke up.

Sarah: Look, I don't come up to the sky to tell you how to barrel roll, so don't come down here and mess around with something you don't understand.

Sam: Wow, ouch.

Sarah: Thank you gentlemen, we'll take it from here. Love you bro.

Sam, dad and I leave.

Sam: She can be mean sometimes.

Y/N: I believe it's called tough love.

Sam: No, if you two did what I told you to do all of that would have been done before any of this took place.

Bucky: There is no such thing...

Sam: There is a prowess to my madness.

Y/N: Whatever you say buddy.

We then go back to Sam's place. Once we get there dad and I start playing catch with the shield, while Sam contacts Torres.

I throw it and it bounces of a tree and comes back to me.

Y/N: It feels weird. Picking it up again.

As we talk dad and I throw the shield between us.

Y/N: The legacy of that shield is complicated to say the least.

Bucky: When Steve told your mum, Tony and I what he was gonna do I don't think any of us knew what it was gonna be like having someone who isn't Steve be handed the shield. How could we? He was right to choose you though. I'm sorry.

He then hands me the shield.

Y/N: It's okay.

Bucky: And I'm also sorry for not being more understanding about what you were going through with not being able to live up to Steve's legacy as Captain America. And I'm sorry for not being there when you needed me.

I nod.

Y/N: It's okay dad. You know this is the first time I ever got to play catch with my dad.

He chuckles at this.

Y/N: I mean when I was a kid I'd see boys playing catch with their dad's, and I wanted that.

He lowers his head.

Y/N: I'm sorry dad, I didn't mean to make you feel guilty.

Bucky: Yeah, I know. It's okay. Hey so, you know what happened with Walker wasn't your fault right? I get it. It's just that shield is the only real connection I have left to Steve, and when you retired it made me feel like I lost that last connection to Steve. It made me question everything. You, Steve, me.

He breathes in heavily and pulls out Steve's old book.

Bucky: I mean I've got Steve's old book. I thought it could help me like it helped him.

Y/N: I understand that, but Steve is gone. And this might be a surprise to you, but it doesn't matter what Steve thought.

I throw the shield again and it comes back to me.

Y/N: Dad, you gotta stop looking to others to tell you who you are.

I throw it again and it bounces off the tree's and goes to dad.

Y/N: Let me ask you. You still having those nightmares?

Bucky: All the time, your mum and the doc have been trying to help me with them. But it means I remember. It means part of me is still there. Which means part of the Winter Soldier's still in me.

He throws the shield and it comes back to me.

Y/N: You up for a little tough love?

Dad nods.

Y/N: You wanna climb out of that hell you're in, you have to do the work.

Bucky: I've been amending.

I chuckle at this.

Y/N: You haven't been amending, you've been avenging. You were stopping all the wrongdoings you enabled as the Winter Soldier, because you thought it'd bring you closure. You go to these people and you say "sorry," because you think it'll make you feel better right? But you gotta make them feel better. You've got to go to them and be of service. I mean there has to be someone on that list that needs closure on something, and you're the only person who can give it to 'em.

Bucky: Probably a dozen or so.

Y/N: That's okay. Just start with one person.

Bucky: (Smiling) Good talk.

Y/N: (Smiling) Good talk.

Dad and I hug.

Sam: About time you two made up.

We look over to see Sam coming towards us.

Sam: You guys know Karli won't quit right?

Bucky: If either of you get a lead I'll be there.

Dad picks up his bag and I grab my case.

The three of us then walk together.

Bucky: Not necessarily as a team.

Y/N: Nope.

Bucky: Because the three of us together aren't that good yet.

Sam: Definitely not.

Bucky: We're professionals. And the three of us are partners...

Sam: Or co-workers.

Y/N: And we all had a mutual friend...

Sam: And that friend is now gone.

Bucky: So in other words we're just three guys.

Sam: I can live with that.

Y/N: Me too.

Bucky: Perfect.

Sam then looks at us.

Sam: Thank you both for helping.

Bucky: Of course.

Y/N: Anytime buddy.

Dad and I shake hands with Sam then he and I walk off in one direction, while Sam walks in the other back to his house.

Bucky: So, when you get back home what do you plan on doing while we wait for a lead?

Y/N: I'm gonna train.

Dad smiles as we continue to walk together.

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