01 || maturity

133 11 0

"Has anyone seen my slides?!" A loud shout echoed across the dorm as a bunny toothed girl strutted out of her room.

"Oh, shut up Nayeon-unnie, no one cares about your obnoxious pink fluffy unicorn slides! Just go find something else to wear."

Two girls were sat on the large, navy couch nearby. The one with cascading orange locks was giggling, whilst the girl with chestnut hair was rolling her eyes.

"I don't remember asking for your opinion, Jeongyeon." Nayeon quirked an eyebrow, glaring at the nonchalant girl on the couch.

"Well too bad, you got it anyway. What're you gonna do about it?" Jeongyeon turned to meet her elder's eyes, grinning.

"Get over here, you brat, so I can beat your ass."

Jeongyeon smirked whilst the orange-haired girl began chuckling. "Not like you could catch me if I didn't come. Besides, you wouldn't even be able to reach." 

Nayeon's face flushed red before she hurled herself at Jeongyeon, knocking her off the couch and pinning her to the floor. Her fingers ran up and down the younger girl's sides, enticing little shrieks from her pink lips.

"Take it back!"


The only girl remaining on the couch continued to laugh at the insanity unfolding before her.

"What on Earth is going on in here?!"

The two on the floor immediately sat up to meet the thunderous look of their leader.

"She started it." Nayeon and Jeongyeon spoke in unison, pointing at each other and glaring trying to hold back giggles.

"Honestly, being the two oldest I expected better from the pair of you. It's been four years. Surely, you're more mature than debut. All that screaming and shouting is what I'd expect from the maknaes, not two unnies. And Sana, quit it, you aren't helping."

The orange-haired girl hysterically laughing on the couch ceased immediately, coughing politely.

"Now, the three of you, hurry up and get ready to head down to the studio, the others are already there. We're finalising the recordings for More & More, so make sure that you're on task please."

Jihyo stalked out of the room, followed by Sana.

The two troublemakers remained sat on the floor, before Nayeon got to her feet.

"This isn't over yet, my friend. Watch your back." She smiled threateningly, before waltzing out of the sitting area and back to her bedroom.

Jeongyeon laughed and got to her feet, cracking her back as she went. "I won't have to if I get you first!"

A distant reply could be heard from the direction Nayeon walked off in.



A shrill scream could be heard across the million-dollar apartment complex. One might think that it came from a woman in distress, perhaps a child in fear. But no, it was just Jimin's hyung, Hoseok. To be fair, he was in distress. Was it for a good reason?

That was debatable.

Slowly, the other members filed into the room, curious as to what the screaming was about.

Hoseok was perched on the kitchen counter, clinging onto the edge for dear life, a look of sheer terror in his eyes. Jimin noticed he was literally trembling.

"Hyung, what's wrong?" The tallest in the room asked with a look of concern on his face.

"There's a-a, t-there's a-"

Jimin rolled his eyes. He'd been sitting on the couch since Hoseok's first shriek.


"It's a spider, Hoseok. A spider. It's not going to hurt you." He said, smirking.

One by one, the members faces transformed from concerned to irritated.

"Yah! What do you think you're doing? Get down from the counter before you fall, you fool!"

"Are you serious, Hobi?"

"I left my game for this bullshit..."

"Watch your profanity!"

"Shut up, Mom!"

Their leader stepped forward, rubbing his temples. It was too early in the morning for this.

"Look, Hoseok, Jin's right, you need to get down from the counter before you hurt yourself. Yoongi, could you please get the spider? Jimin, make yourself useful and help Yoongi catch it. Tae, get Hobi down from the bench please, I'm 90% sure he's gotten himself stuck. Jungkook, you're in time-out, go to your room. Jin, go make sure he's off his PC."

Everyone nodded, some much more willingly than others. Well, almost everyone.

"Why am I in time-out?! I'm twenty-two for god's sake!!" Jungkook's loud protesting could be heard above the rest of chatter.

Namjoon gave him a severe look. "You need to learn to respect your elders."

The maknae stuck his tongue out before retreating to his room, muttering about ageism and how unfair it was that his hyungs never got told off for swearing or bullying Jin-hyung.

Jin grinned at Namjoon, before following Jungkook out of the kitchen.

"Got it!" Yoongi shouted, grinning triumphantly at Jimin, waving a plastic container in his face.

"Yay, good job hyung. I'm so proud." Jimin's tone was sopping with sarcasm.

Yoongi ignored his scathing remark, walking out the door to release spider into their balcony garden.

The last task to be completed was getting Hoseok down from the counter. As much as he denied it, he was well and truly stuck. He couldn't let go of the edge without losing his balance and falling.

"It's fine! I can do it myself"

"Sure, and I'm a cow. Just hold onto me, you'll be fine."

Jimin snorted at Tae's remark, and leant on the fridge to watch the whole debacle take place along with Namjoon and Jin. 

Yoongi entered the room, taking in the mess unfolding. Taehyung was glaring at Hoseok who look like he was about to shit himself, while Jin, Namjoon and Jimin were losing it in the corner.

Utterly useless.

He sighed, before making his way over to Hoseok and pushing him off the counter, into Taehyung's arms.

The three in the corner began cackling,

Hoseok leapt out of Tae's grip, and ran to his room, slamming the door shut behind him, completely humiliated. Yoongi frowned before going after Hoseok, apologizing loudly.

Jin and Namjoon glanced at each other sheepishly, muttering a simultaneous 'oops'. Jimin simply smirked. "Yoongi is so whipped, I swear to god they're secretly dating or something."

His elders nodded in agreement.

Jungkook emerged into the living room, already bored of waiting after a few minutes.

"So, what did I miss?"

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