34 || okay with it

93 4 0


"So what?" Nayeon's tone was venomous.

Jimin cleared his throat nervously. "Uh... Did you find your phone?"

The older girl sneered. "Yeah, we did. Not like she wants to talk to you though."

"Nayeonie, I can speak for myself-" Jeongyeon was cut off by her friend pressing a kiss to her forehead. The man's jaw dropped. He knew that they were close, but was this natural between friends? Unless...

"So that's why you're limping." Jimin sat back and raised an eyebrow. Jeongyeon let out a choking noise and Nayeon flinched. He smirked. "You aren't exactly being subtle."

"What do you know? Maybe I fell over while running through the rain?" The younger girl looked down, face turning red.

He snorted. "Because someone with your athleticism is gonna do worse than a twisted ankle? Fat chance. And you aren't putting more weight on any particular foot."

"Well, uh..." She trailed off, and the older girl rubbed her thigh comfortingly.

Nayeon shot him a scathing look. "Let's be real though, I did you better than he probably ever will." He watched as she received an elbow to the ribs. "What?! Was I wrong?"


"Thought so."

Jimin could not have felt more uncomfortable. He didn't know what to say. What about 'did you have fun fucking my future wife?', or 'how did you go from best friends to lovers in less than twenty-four hours?'? Pausing, he looked back at the two girls cuddling on the sofa opposite him. To be perfectly honest, he felt bad. They had just found each other, and now he was going to be the reason they were divided.

"I'm okay with it."

"What?" Nayeon sat up straighter. "Okay with what?"

The man inhaled. "Okay with you guys being together. For the rest of the year. Possibly even after this stupid marriage thing. As long as it doesn't get out to anyone other than the TWICE members."

"Actually?" He ignored the pang of jealousy in his chest as Jeongyeon's face lit up.


"Y'know, this might be the only time where I've ever felt affection for you, Jimin." The younger girl managed a small smile in his direction. "Thank you."

"Yeah, man. Thanks." Nayeon gave him a smaller nod.

Jimin didn't know how to feel. He'd made them both incredibly happy, but it didn't feel right. Was it selfish to want Jeongyeon all to himself while also hating every atom of her being? Perhaps. But he couldn't help caring. She was slowly working her way into his mind, and he didn't know what to feel about it. Looking up, he saw how much affection was in Nayeon's eyes, and the disbelief in Jeongyeon's. Was this going to be the rest of his life? Uncomfortable with the thought of third wheeling the two girls for the rest of his life, he changed the subject.

"I came to apologize. I'm sorry, Jeongyeon. I crossed a line, and I should have backed off when you told me to. I promise to try as hard as possible to control my temper in the future. Hopefully you can forgive me or at least-"

She cut him off. "It's fine. I'm glad you apologized. But I'm sure that's not the only reason your stubborn ass came over."

Clearing his throat, the man gathered his thoughts. "You're not gonna like it."

"Oh god, what now?" Nayeon dragged a hand over her face.

"You aren't the only person the sasaeng is after."


The girl ran her finger down the blunt side of the blade as she surveyed the girls' old dorm room.

No. 146.

"Huh. Kinda neat."

All of the old furniture had been left behind. There were two cracked desks shoved into opposite corners of the room, across from two rotting wooden bedframes that cradled bug-ridden mattresses. There was a holey carpet on the ground, and wires hanging out of the ceiling fixtures.

She rolled her shoulders and glanced at the pile of materials she'd dumped on the floor.

"I can make it work."



"Hear me out! Please!" Jimin was trying not to cower in the presence of Nayeon. "I think that the sasaeng is targeting Jeongyeon in order to get to me!"

"And where did you get that from, genius?" The older girl's furious tone made his hair stand on end.

The man inhaled sharply. "Look. Last night... I ran into the sasaeng. And you'd think that because we're preventing her from seeing you, she'd be rude, like the rest of her kind. However, she was really nice. Asked me if I was okay, helped me up, saw me inside."

"And?" Nayeon's arm was wrapped around Jeongyeon's waist protectively.

"If she cared about getting to Jeongyeon, she had access to her. We were out in the open without masks. Surely she noticed I was arguing with you." He looked at Jeongyeon.

Snorting, the older girl gave him a look. "Mmhmm. Right. How do you even know this was the sasaeng? For all we know she was just a decent human being and a lovely-"

Jeongyeon cut her off. "The hoodie."


"The yellow hoodie" The younger girl turned to Nayeon. "When I was running, I saw someone wearing a bright yellow hoodie. He's telling the truth." She swiveled to face him. "What do we do?"

"We can't leave you alone. Ever." Nayeon gripped Jeongyeon's arm and turned to Jimin. "Please say you'll uphold this?"

"Of course. I haven't been a great roommate so far, but this is really important." He shot the pair of girls an apologetic smile.

Jeongyeon let out a huffing noise. "Surely I get a say in this?"

The other two exchanged glances. "Nope."


She stepped back and surveyed her handiwork. To be perfectly honest, she was happy with what she had come up with.

Two desks were shoved together in the center of the room to form a large work bench that held all of her ropes, tools, and that sharp, silver blade. She'd gotten rid of the mattresses and disassembled the bed frames, searching for usable plywood. Eventually, she found enough to nail together a structure to pin Jeongyeon to. She'd have nowhere to run.

And no one would hear her scream.

i'm so sorry but this is where update will start to slow down as i finish off the last few chapters (approximately 10 - 15 left)

i can't tell you how long it will take, especially since my exam period is coming up

i will do my best to update tho <3

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