11 || rotten egg

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Jeongyeon burst through the door of the apartment and immediately tripped over the doormat, sending herself sprawling across the dark wooden floor and onto the plush carpet lining the entryway. She groaned in pain. Nayeon skidded to a halt outside the door and began cackling.

"That's what you get for shutting the elevator doors on us, Jeongie!"

The younger girl raised her head to glare at her friend before flopping back down onto the floor. Taehyung and Jimin joined Nayeon in the doorway.

"Oh my god! Jeongyeon, are you okay?" Tae gasped, looking at the crumpled girl on the ground.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Turns out karma's a bitch." She propped herself up on her elbows. "I guess Jimin's the rotten egg then, huh?"

He shot her a scathing look. "I wouldn't be if you hadn't shoved me into a bush outside the entrance."

"Oopsie, my bad." She snorted. "I just did what I had to so I could win. You're faster than you look, even though you're short as hell."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Sure. Don't forget I'm still taller than you, smartass."

The others exchanged uncomfortable glances, before Taehyung spoke. "So, are you just gonna stay on the floor for the rest of the afternoon or nah?"

Jeongyeon looked up at him. "This rug's pretty comfortable, not gonna lie. I might just stay here." She rolled onto her back and spread out her limbs like a starfish.

Nayeon sighed, making a mental note to berate the girl after the boys left for displaying such bad behavior. "I don't think so. Stop being a brat and get up."

"Don't wanna."

The older girl rolled her eyes, before bending down and scooping Jeongyeon up as though she were a toddler, much to Jimin and Taehyung's surprise.

"What are you, wonder woman or something? She's like four inches taller than you!" Taehyung asked in bewilderment.

"She only weighs two kilos more than me. And FYI, I'm one of the strongest TWICE members." She balanced Jeongyeon on her hip and poked Taehyung in the chest indignantly.

Becoming increasingly uncomfortable, Jeongyeon wiggled out of Nayeon's grasp and pulled her into the main living space. They were quickly followed by Taehyung and Jimin.

The apartment was simple, modern, and almost bleak looking in Jeongyeon's opinion. All the white furniture with dark accents made the room seem a bit clinical. The main room was large, with a seating area, kitchen, and dining space all in one. A large glass window occupied the entire far wall, leading to a balcony looking out over the city. There were two doors on each side of the room. She assumed that the one next to the kitchen led to a pantry. Opening the next door on that same side, Jeongyeon found a small guest bathroom, with basic amenities for visitors.

She skipped across the room to the opposite side and opened the doors to find two identical bedrooms. Both had one queen sized bed, a vanity, a walk-in wardrobe and an ensuite bathroom. Jeongyeon immediately raced into the one the right, as it had a window seat that shared the same view of the city as the balcony.

"Nayeon and I claim this room!" She flopped on the bed.

The older girl gave her a quizzical look. "We do?"

"Think about. We can see the sun rise in here!" Jeongyeon smiled.

Nayeon groaned. "Not everyone enjoys waking up at the crack of dawn, Jeongie. Some people want their beauty sleep. Why do you think I chose the room at the back of the dorm without windows?"

Jeongyeon pouted, and the elder could feel her resolve slowly crumbling. "Fine. But you can't open the curtains before seven."

The younger beamed and jumped up to hug her unnie. "Thank you!"

"So, I guess we'll take the other?" Taehyung looked at Jimin, who shrugged.

"Sure. I don't have any complaints."

The pair trudged off into the other room. Nayeon waited until she heard their door click, before grabbing Jeongyeon's ear and marching her over to the corner. "What on Earth were you thinking?!" She let go and folded her arms.

Jeongyeon's eyes widened in alarm. "What did I do?"

"Don't you want Jimin to respect you?!" Nayeon rubbed her temples and lowered her voice. "Pushing him into the bushes wasn't exactly the nicest thing to do. And you've been rude to him all day!"

The younger girl opened her mouth to argue but Nayeon shut her down. "I understand that he's difficult too, but you aren't helping. If you can't be nice to help yourself out, please do it for me. And Taehyung. Neither of us want to live in an awkward or uncomfortable household. Life will be so much easier if you guys aren't butting heads all the time."

Jeongyeon's bottom lip began to quiver, and she swallowed hard. She hadn't been seriously scolded by Nayeon in years. What hurt even more was that she was right. Things would be a lot easier if even just one of them wasn't being a prick.

Nayeon realized that she'd made Jeongyeon upset and pulled her in for a hug. "I'm not completely pissed at you, Jeongyeon. Just frustrated. But we'll work through it, okay?" As Jeongyeon turned away after a few minutes, Nayeon noticed the angry red splotches lining her arm.

"Hold on, Jeongie. Let me see your arm for a second." The red marks were spread out over her forearm, in five long, crooked streaks. A handprint.

Nayeon forgot about her frustration and became infuriated as she remembered what had transpired a few hours ago.

"Park Jimin!!"

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