17 || of course you did

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"Oh my god!"

Jimin glanced over to the doorway to see Nayeon, Taehyung, Mina and Tzuyu clustered within it. He tossed the frenzied girl onto the couch, where she rubbed her neck and glared at him, wiping her tears.

"What? She started-" He was cut off by a blow to the stomach from Jeongyeon which sent him sprawling across the rug.

"Don't touch me, Park." She spat, 'lightly' nudging his crotch with her foot.

"Jeongyeon!" Admonished Jihyo, arriving in the living room as Jeongyeon attempted a third punch. "That's not the way to treat guests!!"

The frantic girl gasped. Nayeon tried to intervene. "Actually, Jihyo-"

"I don't care." The leader returned her gaze to Jeongyeon. "Apologize. Now."

Trembling, Jeongyeon sank down onto the floor. "But he was chok-"

"Look, Jeongyeon, I know my brother behaves like a prick, but violence isn't the way to solve things." Jihyo folded her arms and glared at the shaking girl. "Especially if he didn't hurt you in anyway."

The girl on the floor tried to crawl to her leader but was unsuccessful. "Please, Jihyo, listen to me!"

"Why should I? I literally just walked in on you punching my brother in the-"

"Oh my god, would you shut up, Jihyo?!" Screamed Mina. She dashed over to Jeongyeon and hugged her tightly, shielding her from the others. Nayeon followed and covered Jeongyeon on the other side, creating an impenetrable barrier.

Taken aback by the quiet girl's sudden outburst, Jihyo lost her volley of words. "I... uh..."

Mina adjusted herself and gently grabbed Jeongyeon's shoulders, angling her body towards Jihyo. "Look at her neck, genius. Finger marks. And her face!"

A large red rash had bloomed on Jeongyeon's fair skin.

"See? It's not all her fault. Now, I suggest you talk to your brother while Nayeon and I go with Jeongyeon upstairs." Mina snatched up both girls' hands and dragged them out of the room.

The leader rubbed her temples, ready to cry. Words couldn't even begin to describe how embarrassed and disappointed in herself she felt at that moment.

Voice scratchy and hollow, she turned to Jimin. "You have some explaining to do, asshole."


Fuming, Mina gently pushed the two girls into her room and slammed the door shut behind them. She released a frustrated breath.

"I hate him. I hate him so fucking much. I'll get you out of this, unnie, I promise."

Jeongyeon's eyes crinkled sadly. "You can't. You have no idea how hard I tried. I even went as far as to beg to my mother. She won't falter in her decision."

The younger girl pouted and stomped her foot. "But surely she cares about your wellbeing. He was choking you, for fuck's sake! You could've died!"

"She does care. But she also cares a lot about her company. Sometimes she treats YOO Enterprises like it's her one and only child." She let out a strained laugh and shuffled over to the mirror to check out her injuries. "Wow. Jimin really did a number on my neck, huh?"

Nayeon shook her head and followed her to the dressing table. "This isn't something to laugh about, Jeongyeon." She wrapped her arms around the girl.

Following Nayeon's actions, Mina joined the pair in front of the mirror, resting her head on Jeongyeon's shoulder. "Nabongs is right. I get that it's easier to laugh it off, but seriously, you need to get a grip and stop letting things slide. The arm incident yesterday may have been an accident, but today's events certainly weren't."

Jeongyeon's bottom lip quivered. "B-but Jihyo said that if I provoked him it would be my fault."

"I don't think it applies to the extent of choking. Did you provoke him?" Nayeon swiped away the tears forming in the corners of the girl's eyes.

After a long pause, Jeongyeon spoke. "Kind of? We were arguing and things just escalated. It wasn't even something worth fighting for. It was a bloody couch, for Christ's sake!" She looked down in shame.

"Did you start it?" Mina was met with silence. She sighed. "Of course you did."

Nayeon peppered Jeongyeon's face with kisses. The younger girl pulled away in disgust "This is your punishment for being an idiot. Now, repeat after me. 'I will not provoke my future husband slash mortal enemy slash best friend's brother.'"

Rolling her eyes, Jeongyeon did as her friend requested. "I will not provoke my future husband slash mortal enemy slash best friend's brother. Happy?"

Nayeon pecked her friend on the nose one last time and slid her hands down to her waist. "For now, yes."

Pretending to gag, Mina mimicked the pair, planting a kiss on an imaginary figure. "The level of gay that radiates off the pair of you is astonishing. No wonder ONCE think you're secretly dating. I'm surprised your lesbian vibes haven't rubbed off on the other members."

Smirking, Nayeon turned to the girl. "Where do you think Sana gets it from?" She winked.

"I- you know what? I'm going back to Momo. At least her negative brain cells aren't disgusting to watch in action." Mina dramatically clutched at her chest and fled the room.

Jeongyeon pushed Nayeon away from her. "Idiot. Now she's gonna tell Momo."

The older girl chuckled. "Oh well. Momo's pretty gay sometimes too. Now, let's go sort things out. I'm sure Jihyo's losing her marbles over this."

They linked arms and strolled out of the room.

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