16 || my spot

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"You can always come back for more things throughout the month, Jeongie. You don't have to take everything at once."

Jeongyeon sat down on a box and wiped her brow, panting heavily. "I know, Jihyo. But still, by taking everything out I can tell what I need to bring and what I don't. For example, this!" She held up her contact-lens solution. "I lose it all the time!"

"Maybe because it's always somewhere obscure." Jihyo gave her a dry look. "Like seriously, who stores their contact-lens solution in their sock draw? No wonder you forget where it is."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm a weirdo. Stop complaining and help me pack!" The pair resumed the difficult task of packing up Jeongyeon's things.

They were almost done when the door burst open to reveal a crumpled Momo, looking scared out of her wits. Mina appeared a few moments later, anxiously rubbing her hands together.

"Unnie!" Gasped Momo, fright lacing her tone. "They're here!"

Jihyo rolled her eyes. "Who's here?"

The pair gulped in unison. "Uhh..."

"Jimin and Taehyung. They didn't say what they were doing here, but they asked for you, Nayeon and Jeongyeon." Tzuyu materialized in the doorway, staring at her phone screen, unfazed. She shot Momo and Mina a scathing look. "You'd know this if you hadn't run away, geniuses. I'm sure they have a great impression of TWICE now."

"Oi, Tzuyu, give Momo and Mina a break, at least they actually answered the door instead of running to me." Jihyo scolded. "Be a little more considerate to those who aren't as nonchalant as you, for once. Tell the boys we'll be there in a few."

The maknae rolled her eyes and walked back to the doorway to inform the visitors that they might as well come in and sit down because she knew it would take the trio at least half an hour to come out. Especially considering that Nayeon was still asleep.

Tzuyu shuffled back down the hallway and to the open front door, where Jimin and Taehyung were waiting, glancing around nervously. Finally looking up from her phone, she properly greeted the pair.

"Hello, BTS-sunbaenim. I am Tzuyu of TWICE. Please come in. I'm afraid Nayeon, Jeongyeon and Jihyo will be a few minutes." She led them to the living room, which was thankfully clean and for once void of any dirty dishes. She motioned for them to sit down. "Make yourselves comfortable. Would you like a glass of water?"

Both boys shook their heads, smiling politely.

Shrugging, Tzuyu flopped down on a nearby sofa and resumed browsing through her phone. "Let me know if you two need anything." She glanced back at them after a few minutes. "Sorry about the two girls who opened the door, Momo and Mina. One's an airhead that has negative braincells and the other is just painfully shy around new people."

Taehyung smiled brightly at the maknae, glad that she was finally initiating a conversation. "So, do you all live here?" He glanced around the cosy apartment, taking in the various personal touches.

"Yup. All nine of us."

"Nine?!" Jimin's eyes looked ready to burst out of his head.

Taehyung shot him a disappointed look. "Seriously, dude? How can you be so oblivious as to not notice TWICE has had nine members since debut, which was almost five years ago."

"Shut up, Tae." He turned to Tzuyu, rolling his eyes in his friend's direction. "What I meant was; how do all nine of you fit into such a small space?"

Tzuyu chuckled. "The apartment is much bigger than it looks. It's three stories. We each have our own rooms that are spread out across all the floors, with at least one common area on each. It's kinda complicated to be honest."

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