30 || strawberry jelly

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The pair of giggling girls stumbled through the doorway of their bedroom into the living room, swaying left and right as they staggered towards the couch. Jimin choked back a laugh, watching his best friend grunt as he was promptly sat on by Nayeon, cackling as she adjusted her weight on his stomach. The four idols were strewn across various items of furniture, at various levels of intoxication and full of energy that made them pay little attention to the movie lighting up the dark space.

He observed in amusement as Jeongyeon tripped her way towards the kitchen, struggling with weak, heavy limbs to open the refrigerator. Eventually, she wrangled it open and grabbed out another bottle of chilled Soju, specifically their third one tonight.

Almost dropping the glass, she made her way back to the couch, stopping and starting sporadically. Jeongyeon slammed the bottle on the wooden coffee table, startling Jimin who was perched on a cushion beside it. Clearly she was still conscious of her actions. Just a little... out of it.

"Who's up for round six?"

The girl was met with cheers from Nayeon and Tae, as they pushed their tumblers across the tabletop towards her. Despite her drunken attitude, Jeongyeon caught the glasses nimbly, and neatly filled them with alcohol. Jimin rolled his eyes, still sober enough to know better. Regardless, he gave her his cup as she raised her eyebrows and extended her palm.

Against his better judgement, he tipped the chilly liquid down his throat, slowly feeling the light buzz increase. Nayeon and Taehyung had consumed five small glasses at this point and were just about to down their sixth, much to Jimin's concern. He himself had drank four, and Jeongyeon, the lightweight of the group, had only had three. They were lucky they had the whole next two days off.

"OH MY GOD! TAEHYUNG, YOU'D BETTER JOIN IN!" Jimin winced as the opening credits of Frozen flashed on screen, accompanied by a flurry of snowflakes. Nayeon slung an arm around his best friend's neck and struggled to lug him across the sofa, snatching the remote out of Jeongyeon's hands and flicking to a song that they could duet. He laughed at the little pout that graced the youngest's features.

"Nayeonie~ Give it back!" She folded her arms and sunk down further against the foot of the couch. Jimin chuckled, before leaning over to ruffle her hair.

"You'll live. Hey Taehyung, could you please-" The pair on the floor found themselves clapping their hands over their ears as pitchy, constricted voices filled the room.

Nayeon and Taehyung, on the other hand looked as though they were having the time of the lives, bouncing all over the sofa. "cAuSe yOu dOn'T hAvE tO kEeP yOuR diSTaNcE aNymOreeeee!"

Jimin groaned. "Guys, seriously. Cut it out. We don't need to hear your shit at ten in the evening. I'm sure the neighbors don't need it either." He turned to the left, ready to ask if Jeongyeon wanted to leave, when he was met with a peculiar sight.

Tears were streaking down the girl's cheeks, face rosy and pink from the warm atmosphere. Guess I don't have to ask.

Without an ounce of hesitation, he grabbed her hand and pulled up from the ground, before wrapping an arm around her shoulders and guiding her out onto the balcony.

Crisp, cool air greeted them as they stepped outside into the night. Jeongyeon promptly burst into tears and latched herself onto Jimin's shoulder, chest heaving with sobs. He stood there, paralyzed.


"Um... Are you okay...?" He found himself trailing off, unsure of what to say.

Jeongyeon waved a hand and clutched his jumper tighter. "It's fine. It's just the alcohol. That's why Nayeon didn't do anything." She sniffed and wiped her nose with her sleeve. "Bitch."

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