03 || side bitches

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Jeongyeon raced through the building, not caring who saw her and what they thought. She had to make it to the dorm before she broke down completely. Reaching the entrance, she fumbled with her key before unlocking the door and throwing herself inside, banging it shut behind her. She made it to the living room, before hysteria finally overtook her, and she collapsed on the ground.

Droplets fell from her eyes and ran down her cheeks like salty rivers as she curled up into a ball. Rocking back and forth, she could barely form a coherent thought.

Why Jimin? They could've picked anyone else and Jeongyeon could have handled it. Hell, she would rather have had to married Jihyo, Sooyoung or Roseanne, the other Park siblings over that monster. He was cruel, bitter, and heartless. Not to mention violent.

Jeongyeon felt sick.

Her vision was warped with anxiety before she blacked out on the living room floor.


"Why?! I don't understand!!"

"Bro, calm your farm, it's not the end of the world."

Jimin had made it back to the BTS dorm and was pacing back and forth, wearing a hole in Taehyung's rug. After Jeongyeon had run off, Jimin too had escaped back to his best friend to complain as much as he could.

"Well it's the end of mine, so shut the fuck up, Tae."

Taehyung sighed. "I get that you're angry at your parents for arranging-"

"I'm not mad at my parents! I just hate who they chose!" Jimin snapped, looking up at the ceiling.

"TWICE's Jeongyeon? What's wrong with her?" Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "How could you despise someone you've never met? She doesn't have a bad reputation, and she seems really funny-"

"She's a pathetic, whiny bitch!" Jimin interrupted, eyes hard as ice. He took a deep breath before turning to look at his best friend. "Look, bro, what I'm about to tell you, you cannot repeat to a single soul. Not even any of our group members."

Tae nodded. "I'm listening."

Jimin grimaced and continued. "Jeongyeon and I know each other. I hate everything about her, and she would probably murder me in my sleep if she had the chance."

Taehyung looked taken aback. "Why?"

"We dated. Back in KAHS. We lasted for a solid six months. Then, things started to go downhill. She was stressed about her debut in a group called 6MIX or whatever, and I was getting bored. So, I started seeing other girls."

The boy sitting across the room's jaw dropped. "You hate her because you cheated on her?!"

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Shut up, dude. I get that I was the one who was the catalyst in the downfall of our relationship, but she took it too hard. Besides, even before that she was getting annoying. Always wanted to be around me. Wanted to be pampered all the time. It was sickening! Then, exams came. Because we were in different year groups, I took advantage of our opposing schedules to see some more people. But in our final week of tests, she caught me. She'd finished her exam early and had been confident enough in her work come out to meet me. When she got to me, the chick and I were in a slightly compromising position, which didn't help."

Tae leant forward, resting on his elbows to gaze at Jimin. "Then what?"

"Jeongyeon lost it. She blew up at me and dragged me out of the room. It was the angriest I'd ever seen her, possibly the only time I've ever feared a woman. She was a year and a bit younger than me too! She gave me this fucking scar by scratching me." Jimin pointed to a faint, thin white line running down the side of his face. "She threw some punches and slapped me a few times as well."

The taller boy laughed. "Serves you right for cheating on her!"

Jimin shrugged. "So? Any other guy would have done the same. She was just too bland! Anyway, we got into a big, violent fight, and we were eventually caught by a teacher."

"Did you guys get in trouble?"

"I did. Jeongyeon got away with a warning, the lucky bitch. She had the fucking audacity to pull the self-defence card, even though she started it! The teacher and principal both believed her, because she was a 'sweet' girl, and had a clean record. I got suspended for a week, and then had detention for the next month. After that was over, we never spoke again." He paused and rubbed his temples. "My little sisters and their friends gave me shit about for weeks. Like, what was their problem?"

Taehyung sat there, an expression of disbelief on his face as he processed what he'd just heard. He wasn't sure which side to take. It appeared they were both very self-centered teenagers at the time, with a violent streak each for good measure. He cleared his throat.

"I hate to break it to you, bro, but I think you're stuck. The only way to get out of this situation would be to 'fess up to her parents about what you'd done, so they'd never trust you again. But that would destroy the partnership between the two companies. It's also highly likely that the press would hear about it, and since violence against anyone is frowned upon these days, you'd probably be blacklisted."

Jimin groaned. "Sometimes you're an idiot, sometimes you're a genius. And right now, I wish that you weren't in genius mode, because then I would still have some hope of getting out of this bloody marriage." He rose off Tae's couch and headed for the door, mood gloomy and overcast.


Jimin spun around, looking at the younger expectantly.

"If you need a side bitch this time, you can always count on me." Tae winked, holding back his urge to laugh.

Jimin just gagged, before hastily exiting the room.

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