20 || ...curious

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Dressed in black jeans and a hoodie, the girl snuck into the apartment complex, successfully evading the security guard blocking the main entrance. She checked her phone again.

Top Floor, Building C, Stellar Apartments

If she'd recorded the conversation right, she was definitely in the right block. Now she just had to make it up to the right level.

Keeping her head low, she made her way past the receptionists towards the lifts at the back of the lobby. She was about to press the call button when two babbling girls walked into the building, carrying large brown cardboard boxes filled to the brim with personal items and garments. One had a choppy brown bob with bunny teeth. The other had shoulder length grey hair and an infectious grin.

Shit. So close yet so far.

The girl dressed in black retreated from the elevator, bowing respectfully to the girls as she headed for the main entrance. Once she was back on the main street, she pulled off her hood. She'd have to try another day. At least she knew that she had managed to track down the right address.

Now she'd just have to wait for the right time to strike.


Jeongyeon flopped back onto the large bed. "I don't like it here. It's too clinical, even for a clean freak like me." She looked around the pristine white room.

"I agree." Nayeon lay down and pulled the other girl across her stomach. She tapped out the rhythm of More & More on Jeongyeon's tummy. "The place in general needs more colour. I hate how bland everything is."

Together, the girls had spent the day moving their clothes into the apartment along with various other belongings. Even now that they were somewhat settled, the common area of the penthouse still held its cold vibes. It didn't help that the boys hadn't moved in yet. Or that things were still icy between Jeongyeon and Jimin. It had been more than a week since the choking incident, and the two hadn't exchanged a word thereafter. Jeongyeon also hadn't unblocked him yet.

She rolled onto her stomach, still on top of her friend. "We should go out and buy some stuff. Like rugs, blankets, house plants, things like that." She let out a little gasp and kicked her legs a bit. "You know what sounds even better? Food!" She licked her lips.

Nayeon hummed in agreement. "I'll ask our manager if we can go out in a bit. Right now, I just wanna rest. Besides, it's still early afternoon" She clutched Jeongyeon closer to her chest and rolled onto her side. The younger girl wriggled around for a bit before eventually giving up.

"Fine! Half an hour, then we absolutely have to go."

"Mmhmm. For sure. Half an hour."

Slowly, both girls' eyes fluttered shut as they succumbed to sleep.


Jimin nudged open the door to the girls' room. He knew they were home. All of the curtains were open revealing the gorgeous sunset and there were collapsed cardboard boxes leaning up against the couch. But strangely enough, he couldn't hear any noise emanating from their space.

He held back a smile as the door swung open. Both girls were lying on the bed, curled up and fast asleep. The main light was still on, and the blinds were drawn open, revealing the city and all of the sparkling lights. Looking back at the napping pair, he accidently let a chuckle slip.

Never in his right mind would he have expected Jeongyeon to be a little spoon. And yet, here she was, being cuddled by Nayeon, and seemingly enjoying it.

Reaching for the light switch, he flicked it off, before heading across the room to draw the curtains. As Jimin walked back to the doorway, Jin's words about trying to get along came to mind. Jimin stopped at the foot of the bed and glanced down at Jeongyeon. He wondered how much she'd changed since they'd ended their relationship eight years ago. She'd certainly changed in appearance. Sharp jawline, sleek hair, soft lips, long lashes, and stunning, defined eyes. Even his stubborn ass could admit that she was pretty. He wrinkled his nose. Unfortunately, her attitude certainly hadn't changed.

Eyeing her face, Jimin crept around to Jeongyeon's side of the bed and carefully squatted beside her. He sucked in a breath. Was it worth it?

Fuck it.

He bent down and placed a fleeting kiss on the girl's forehead. Her skin just as soft and sweet as he remembered. His eyes fluttered shut as he pulled away and reflected on the last eight years of unanimous hatred between them. Why did they despise each other again? Oh, right. He was an unfaithful bastard. Reluctantly, he pulled away from her vicinity and stood up, dusting invisible lint off of his jumper.

"So, you do still like her."

Jimin let out a high-pitched, whiny shriek, and quickly clapped a hand over his mouth. He watched in horror as Nayeon tilted her head to look up at him. She smirked astutely. "You should just drop the bad boy, tough guy, macho man act all ready. She doesn't find it attractive."

After a few moments, the man's heart rate returned to normal. "For fuck's sake, you scared the living daylights out of me." He lowered his voice and looked at the older girl, eyes flashing in the dark. "And FYI, I don't still like her. As far as I'm concerned, she's still the whiny ass teenager I dated in high school. I was simply... curious."

"Oi, watch it. That's my best friend you're spouting crap about." She returned his glare with just as much ferocity.

Shrugging, Jimin turned and headed for the door. "Whatever." He grabbed the doorknob before rotating to face her. "You. Saw. Nothing."

With one last scowl, he shut the door quietly, and leant his forehead against it, panting.

Go to hell, Nayeon.

Hopefully, she'd forget about everything that had just transpired by the time morning came. And he'd have to thank his lucky stars that Taehyung had been too busy to come. Otherwise, he would've given him so much shit.

Letting out a loud, relieved sigh, Jimin walked to his own room to let Jihyo know that the girls were safe and probably wouldn't be home tonight.

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