18|| witness

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Jimin gulped as he turned to face his sister. She looked absolutely livid, face as red as a tomato as she huffed and puffed like a dragon. He slowly put his hands up. "Look, I get that you're embarrassed, but don't take it out on me..."

He trailed off, cowering under Jihyo's intense gaze. "I'm embarrassed all right. Not to mention disappointed. And furious. And pissed." She whipped around to look at Taehyung and Tzuyu. "Taehyung, you can stay. Tzuyu, get out."

The maknae pouted. "But I'm a witness! I can be useful! I'll testify against Jimin." She mustered up an innocent face in an attempt to persuade her leader, batting her eyelashes. Jimin's jaw dropped in betrayal.

Sighing, Jihyo threw her arms up into the air in exasperation. "Fine. Go stand with Taehyung. But no dessert later on."

Tzuyu grinned and hurried over to sit next to the man. He elbowed her in the ribs. "No dessert, huh? You guys sure take your punishments around here seriously."

"Watching this dumbass k-drama unfold is worth much more than a bowl of ice cream. Besides, someone has to fill the other girls in later." The pair smirked at each other before returning to the issue at hand.

Jimin slumped down onto the couch, only to be pulled up again by Jihyo. "What the fuck is your problem?!"

She glared at him icily. "Rapists don't deserve to sit down."

Ignoring the two people sniggering on the other sofa, Jimin tried to reason with his sister. "I didn't rape your precious Jeongyeon, kay? She was behaving like a brat. I was simply... disciplining her."

Jihyo quirked an eyebrow. "By choking her?"

"I didn't chok-"

"Oh, he totally choked her." Jimin shot his best friend a withering look. Taehyung just smiled at him. "What? I never said I was going to defend you."

Wow. Way to back me up, Tae.

Jihyo smacked her brother on the arm. "I'm serious! What made you think choking her was okay? I know that Jeongyeon can be a pain in the ass sometimes, most of the time actually. But you could've killed her! Or at least seriously harmed her." She pushed him down onto the lounge. "Wasn't Jin working on your behaviour or something?"

Jimin shrunk into himself a little. "Yeah... But it's been seven years since he stopped."

"And? Respect is something you should never forget." Tzuyu crossed her arms and leaned against the couch's backrest.

Taehyung laughed, egging her on. "And that's the tea, sis."

The maknae continued her rant. "You kinda disgust me, not gonna lie. Even Momo has better manners than you. It's as though Jihyo, Rosie and Joy got all the goodness in your family. Like seriously, anyone would think-"

Jihyo cut her off. "That's enough, Tzuyu. Save your insults for another day. But Jimin, she's right."

"About me being the black sheep of the family behaviour wise?" Jimin rolled his eyes.

Sighing, his sister turned away in exasperation. "No, idiot. About respect being something you should never forget." She whirled around to face him. "Honestly. I don't know why the fans think you're some precious little mochi or whatever. You're such a brat when the cameras aren't rolling."

The man frowned. "But I am a precious little-"

"Stow it, Park."

The bickering quartet turned to see Jeongyeon and Nayeon standing in the entryway. The younger continued into the room while the other girl simply leaned against the doorframe.

Jeongyeon stopped right in front of Jimin and poked him in the chest. "I'll let this incident slide for now, but only for the sake of everyone's sanity and because I caused it." She closed her eyes and took a moment before continuing. "I'm sorry for provoking you and behaving like a child. I'll try not to do it again." She stuck her hand out to him, motioning for him to shake it.

Pushing away her physical peace offering, Jimin shrugged. "Thanks, I guess."

"Really? Is that all you have to say?" Nayeon came up behind Jeongyeon and wrapped her arms around her, resting her chin on the younger's shoulder. "You owe her an apology too."

Jimin just raised his eyebrows sarcastically. "For what? You're not getting an apology out of me. She started it." He turned to Taehyung. "Come on. Let's go." He headed for the door. "And unblock me, you bitch!" He flipped Jeongyeon off as he exited the dorm.

The maknae whistled lowly under her breath. "Jesus Christ, how the fuck is he this dense?"

"Dense? More like stubborn. I swear to god he's a mule when it comes to petty things like this." Taehyung ran a hand through his hair before addressing the room. "I'm so sorry for his behaviour. Especially you, Jeongyeon. I'll speak to Jin when we get home and update you on the situation then." He followed Jimin's path to the front entrance. "Again. Sorry about Jimin. I hope that you don't take him as a representation of BTS. Bye girls." Tae smiled sadly and walked out the door.

"Bye Tae!" Nayeon ran to the man and hugged him before he made his escape. "And just so you know, Jimin hasn't affected our opinions of the rest of you guys. Not one bit."

He looked down at her and grinned. "See ya!" He caught up to Jimin and they strolled off down the corridor.

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