chapter 1

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another day of hell for jeongin. to him, everyday was hell ever since both his parents had died in a car crash only about a year ago. he then had to move with his aunt and uncle to another city.

their son is all grown up now and has a family of his own, so they treated jeongin like a their own son. jeongin lived a pretty good life with them, considering they were pretty wealthy, just like his parents. so he lived a comfortable life.

but the boy was lonely. despite having his bestfriend jisung with him, he still felt lonely and depressed. the boy never told his guardians, because he knew they would take him therapy, and he didn't feel like dealing with that shit. it's not like it's going to help anyways, the only thing that would make him okay again is if his parents came back. but he knew it was impossible.

jeongin took a quick shower, then proceeded to drying his hair. he put on his usual alluring outfit, black ripped jeans paired with a graphic cropped tee and just a regular pair of sneakers. his aunt and uncle were okay with the boy dressing up like this, they thought it was rather cool too. the boy attracted a lot of attention at school too, specially from boys. specifically bangchan.

like usual he entered the school premises, boys staring at his attractive face and body. he brushed it off and continued walking until he saw jisung standing near the lockers. he waved to the boy then walked over to him and his boyfriend, lee minho, who was a very nice gentleman.

"hi guys, how are you?" the youngest greeted with a faint smile.

"not good, i've been stressed with so much school work" jisung said as he his his face in both palms dramatically which made the younger giggle.

"you can do it hyung, i believe in you! " the boy cheered him on, making the couple coo at his adorable personality without even trying.

"alright jeongin-ah we'll be going to makeou- i mean to class now, we'll meet you at lunch okay bub?" minho said. jeongin nodded and waved as he watched his two hyungs walk away hand in hand.

after what seemed like 5 hours of non stop chattering from the teacher, the bell rang for lunch. jeongin stood up quickly and left to go look for minho and jisung.

"ah guys!" he said as he approached the two boys.

"jeongin-ah, go buy your lunch first bub, we'll wait here okay?" jeongin nodded with a skile then proceeded to walk into the long line of students.

after 10 minutes of waiting, it was finally his turn to get his food. he was hungry since he skipped breakfast. just as he was about to step infront of the cashier, someone pushed him away almost causing him to fall backwards.

he looked up and it was bangchan. the boy who had been picking on him ever since he came to this school. at first, the boy absolutely despised the elder. but soon after, he started developing feeling towards the other. he didn't quite know why, but he did.

"you were in the way idiot" chan scoffed, jeongin however just looked down, not doing anything.

after a few minutes of waiting, jeongin finally had the tray of food in his hands. the tray he had been waiting long to have, since again, he was hungry.

as he was walking to his table, he felt someone's foot trip him over, causing the tray of food to fall out of his hands. the food was safe, but he wasn't, and he fell. not gonna lie it did hurt.

he looked up and of course, it was bangchan. he didn't understand why the elder would pick on him, he didn't understand why he had feelings for such an asshole too, but he did.

"are you okay jeongin?" jisung said as he ran to the boy, picking his tray up while minho helped the boy up.

"yeah i am, don't worry about it hyung" jeongin responded. he took a glance at chan before leaving to his own table, the other just pathetically scoffed at him.

the rest of the day was like any other. he sat in class not listening to the lectures, instead day dreaming about random shit. then it was time to go home.

the boy couldn't find his two hyungs on his way out the campus so he assumed they left earlier than he did. he was walking home when suddenly he heard cried coming from the back of the school.

"please don't hurt me" the person begged as he whimpered. this was enough to lead jeongin on. he peeked in from the other side of the wall, and of course it was bang chan.

he sighed as he silently watched the scene happening in front of him. what was bangchan about to do to the poor boy? he though to himself.

suddenly he saw chan hold a fist up. and as he was about to punch the boy, jeongin shouted.

"stop!" he ran, picking the up boy and putting him behind himself.

"what the hell are you doing here" chan angrily asked.

"none of your business, you shouldn't be hurting people like this"

"you can't tell me what to do idiot, now leave before i hurt you instead"

"go...hurt me..."

chan just stood there, not being able to process what was going on. why would jeongin say that?

"leave" jeongin gestured the hurt boy to leave.

"hurt me chan, do it" he said, walking closer to the other, who just froze.

"just, shut up and get out of my way" chan spat then pushed the younger to the side angrily, making him fall. then continued to walk away.

jeongin stood up and brushed the dirt off his bottom. he sighed and continued walking home. his guardians offered to get him his own car a while back but the boy kindly declined, as he didn't want them to spend too much money on him. so he instead just walks home.

he walked up to the front porch and slowly opened the door. silence.

"i'm home!" he shouts, but no response.

he shrugs and walks upstairs and into his room. he was used to his aunt and uncle being away for business meetings, trips, so this wasn't new to him. he plopped on the bed and stared at the blank ceiling until he fell asleep, forgetting to eat dinner.

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