chapter 10

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the very next day, jeongin was awoken by his uncle calling out his name early in the morning.

"jeongin! son! your boyfriend is waiting downstaires!" he shouted. and with that, jeongin's eyes immediately widened.

he rushed to the bathroom to get dressed and got ready, before zooming downstaires to be met by chan sitting in their dining area with a smile on his face.

"chan! what the hell are you doing at 8 am in the morning!" the boy scolded, in the nicest way he possibly could. he was still upset about have to wake up so early.

"i just wanted to go to school with my baby" chan said as he wrapped his arms around the other's waist, laying his chin on jeongin's neck.

the younger was so caught up in the moment, he had forgotten that he was scolding the elder. instead, he froze in the spot, his cheeks started becoming an obvious pink color.

they stayed like that for awhile until..."ehem" they both looked back to see jeongin's aunt and uncle watching them with mischievous looks on their faces.

jeongin immediately pulled away from chan, pretending to be mad, which ended up being more adorable than anything, making chan giggle. the boys ended up going to school together that day, earning a mix of jealous and praise stares from the other students, not like they cared though.

"here's my class, you can go now channie" jeongin said once they arrived at his first period. chan left but didn't forget to leave a peck on the younger boy's lips, making him totally flustered. he didn't notice hyunjin sighing in the corner of the room.


"okay, disregarding your rough past with that dude, you guys are goals!" jisung squeaked. he couldn't help but be happy for jeongin. and he had a feeling that chan had really changed.

"thanks sung!" jeongin responded with a smile before turning to hyunjin, who had been rather silent for the past few days.

"are you okay jinnie?"

"huh? oh yeah!"

"you know you can tell me when you have problems right?"

"mhm, i know that. thank you jeongin"


this had been going on for days now. chan and jeongin would be all affectionate even in public. things were going good, maybe a little too good.

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