Chapter 56

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I pulled off of the road and headed up the driveway to heartland, looking over at Mallory she was still sound asleep with her head resting on my arm. I smiled and parked the truck behind the barn. I hopped out and decided to look around the barn before I woke Mallory up. I walked into the barn hoping Expecting to find Georgie and Badger at least but I didn't see anyone. Just as I was walking over to check the chalkboard Badger walked into the front of the barn from the house "hey man" Badger finished the bite of muffin in his mouth before replying 'hey, how was your vacay? I wasn't expecting you guys until later. ' I smiled wide "it was great, what's happening here?" I asked pointing to the board. 'Oh, Peter, Lou and the girls had to go to Ontario for a week. Peter said it was a business emergency and Lou said that they should all go and make it a family trip while things are slow around here, they left this morning' I nodded and looked around. "Does anything need to be done?" Badger shook his head. 'I got up early and did everything, I was going to go with Scott today but then everyone left so I felt like I should stay.' I nodded. "Well, I can take care of tonight if you want. Or if you want to go with Scott tomorrow I'll completely take care of tomorrow." Badger swallowed his bite of muffin and pulled his phone out of his pocket 'thanks, I'll call Scott and see where he is' I nodded. "I can drop you off to him if I need to!" Badger shot me a thumbs up walking around the corner of the barn. I walked back to the truck to see Mallory talking on the phone, I grinned at her and walked over to the passenger door opening it for her. "Yes, I think we should be able to do that" she was saying. I squeezed her knees and she told the person on the phone to hold on and she muted the call. "Amy wants to know if we want to come to watch the show on Saturday and see everyone?" I nodded and Mallory un muted the call and agreed continuing to chat with Amy.

Badger walked around the corner with a backpack 'can you take me to the diner? Scott said I could go with him and spend the night and help him on the twin ranches tomorrow' I nodded in agreement pointing to Mallory on the phone and motioned for him to get in the backseat. I drove back out of the driveway and Mallory hung up as we turned onto the hard road. "Amy seems excited, Chase wants to keep hauling with Amy" I nodded 'Amy is good at what she does, I know that she's loving riding that caliber of horses' "She said Jack and Lisa were good as well, that they wanted to talk to us about something" Badger stuck his head up between the seats, are you sure it's okay if I go? 'Yes of course, you came here to better yourself and if you want to be a vet this is the best way to get that accomplished.' Badger smiled and nodded. We got to the Diner and he hopped out and ran over to Scott's vet truck. I waved at Scott and they pulled out.


"Can I go in and get some food while we are here?" 'I'll go get it, chicken salad sandwich with tomato with crispy curly fries and dr. Pepper?' I nodded and Caleb slid out of the truck. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called the Drs. Office. 'Hi this is Dr. Spells office, how may I help you?' "Hi my name is Mallory Wells and I would like to make an appointment." 'Yes, ma'am of course, let me pull up your chart, ah yes, what would this appointment be for?' "I think I am pregnant, so the earliest available would be fantastic" 'alright, well let me just see' she clicked around on the computer for a few minutes. 'We have a cancellation today at one-thirty or I can fit you in at 10am tomorrow.' I glanced down at the clock reading 11:45 "today would be great, see you then!" I reached over and turned the truck off and pulled the key out walking into the diner. Caleb was waiting at the bar "hey, can we just eat here?" Caleb nodded looking at Soraya and she gestures towards a booth. 'I thought we were getting it to go?' I nodded taking a sip of my drink. "That was my plan but I called Dr. Spells office and they said that they could squeeze me in at 1:30" Caleb grinned Widely and nodded in reply. We ate our lunch and chatted while we killed time. Caleb paid for our lunch and we headed out to the truck at 1:05 and drove down to the Dr. Spells office. At 1:20 Caleb parked in the lot and looked over at me, "Do you want to go alone or do you want me to come with you?" 'Come with me' Caleb nodded and turned the truck off walking in with me. I walked up and signed in as Caleb took a seat, the receptionist smiled at me when she saw my name remembering I just called. I had just made it back to Caleb when they called us back. Caleb grabbed my hand as we walked to the exam room. 'So what can we do for you today?' "I think I'm pregnant and I would just like to be sure and get some details?" She smiled widely at me, 'sure thing, let's just take some blood and see what we find' I pulled my sweater off and rolled my sleeve up, she collected my blood and excused herself promising to be back with results shortly. Caleb stood beside me and played with my hair, twenty minutes later she came back in smiling. 'Ms. Wells, you are infact pregnant!' Caleb reached out and hugged me and I laughed with tears running down my face. We composed ourselves and turned back to the nurse. 'How far along do you think you are?' "Atleast 7 weeks but it could be longer, that's just the best time frame I can figure" she nodded making a mark on my chart. 'Well, let's take an ultrasound and see shall we' "yes please" Caleb answered and I laughed nodding along. 'Alright honey, lay back and pull your shirt up.'
I scooted back and did as she asked, the nurse squirted the cold gel on my stomach and I shivered. Caleb squeezed my hand. The nurse moved the scanner over my stomach and and of the sudden we heard a strong thump-thump-thump fill the room. Caleb's hand tightened on mine and he looked down at me, the nurse smiled pointing to the screen. 'There is your baby, appears to be healthy, we can do some additional blood work just to be sure that everything is as it should be' I nodded in agreement watching the screen. 'I would say that you are more like 8-9 weeks along, so estimated due date May 17' The nurse turned off the screen and wiped the gel off of my stomach. We went over a few more questions and made an appointment for the following week to go over everything else, the nurse handed me a strip of photos from the ultrasound and congratulated us again on our way out.

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