Chapter 47

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I woke up before Caleb for once, he had his arms wrapped around me and I snuggled deeper into the blankets. I pulled my hand out from under the covers to see my ring. I smiled looking at it and closed my eyes thinking of all the possibilities. I must have dozed off because when I woke up Caleb was nowhere to be seen but there was a note on the bedside table.
~Chores are covered, I had to run a couple of errands for our property. I love you.~
I smiled at the note and reached for my phone. I took a deep breath and pressed the call button.
Three rings later my mom picked up.
>hey mom
<how are you Mallory?
>I'm good, is dad there too?
<yes honey we're both here, I've got you on speaker.
I took a deep breath and looked down at the ring on my finger and smiled.
>yes I'm here, I just got distracted. Are you both sitting down?
<yes, we're both sitting down, now please spit it out. Your father is getting nervous.
I smiled hearing the semi annoyance in my mother's voice.
>I just wanted to call and tell you guys that I am engaged.
I don't know what I expected them to say but busting out in laughter was certainly not what I expected. Once they calmed down and got themselves under control they finally spoke.
<oh honey, we're so happy for you, truly. It's just that we thought it was going to be bad news and then you told us something that we already knew was coming.
>I know mom, he told me all about the ring and about his and dads conversation.
<well listen kiddo we have to go. Got to get to the airport but we love you and Congratulations!
>Love you too.
I smiled as the phone clicked off and I glanced across the room and noticed the dress that Mrs. O'dell bought me and I gasped looking at the date and then I sighed realizing we hadn't missed the party that they invited us to.

I was just scrolling through instagram when the loft door opened and in walked Caleb, My Caleb.
"Hey babe" I smiled at him and stood up to walk over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. 'Good morning' Caleb smiled at me. "Why are you so happy?" I smiled and pretended to stroke my imaginary beard. 'Hmm let me think? Could it be that I have a pretty horse? Or a very handsome fiancé? Or that I called and told my parents I was engaged?' A look of surprise crossed Caleb's face before he broke into a mega watt smile. "So we're not keeping it a secret?" I shook my head no and held Caleb's face In my hands, leaning up on my toes I gave him a kiss. 'No secrets, full commitment' Caleb bent down and kissed me and then pulled away and rested his forehead against mine. "So we can call and tell my parents now?" I shook my head no and Caleb pouted. I smiled at him and reached up and kissed his cheek. 'I thought we could tell them at the dinner party tomorrow night' a look of understanding crossed Caleb's face and then he nodded.

Once I was dressed and Caleb put his coat back on we headed down stairs. I stopped at dragons stall, pulling her out and tying her next to the tack room. Caleb followed suit and pulled ghost out putting him next to Dragon. I had just loosely tightened my cinch when my phone rang, fishing it out of my pocket I saw that it was Amy and answered right away.
>hey Mallory, how are things going?
<they're extremely good, how about there?
>they are good here as well, I'm sitting third right now but showjumping is where we always pick up the extra points we need.
<that's great, how is Ty? And Jack and Lisa of course?
>they are doing well, we are all actually going sight seeing today. I just wanted to call and check in. How's that boyfriend of yours?
<I'm so glad things are going so good there! And ahh I don't have a boyfriend anymore

I heard a sharp intake of breath from Amy and Caleb's head snapped to face me with his eyes wide and then slowly a smirk took over his face.
>Mallory, I'm so sorry
<why? I think it's great!
> *silence* great?
<yeah, having a fiancé is pretty great
>no way!
I chuckled and looked at Caleb.
<yes definitely, I'll send you a picture of the ring.
>that's, wow Mallory. It's great. Congrats! Are we sharing the news or letting it spread.
<I've been telling people, but don't tell Jack and Lisa. We will do that when we see them in person.
>you've got it! They should be home in a week and a half or two weeks.
<alright, you guys have fun sightseeing!

I closed the phone and looked over at Caleb and smiled. Caleb rolled his eyes and grinned at me.

I heard a trailer rattling up the driveway so I walked to the barn entrance. Caleb walked up next to me and put his arm around me as the trailer pulled up and stopped at the front of the barn.
Josh and a girl that looked a lot like Josh stepped out and headed towards the barn.
"Hey Josh, how are you?" Caleb said shaking his hand. 'I'm good, we were just on our way back from Calgary. I thought we would take a chance that we might catch you guys.' Josh looked over at me 'Nice to see you again Mallory, This is my sister Jade' I smiled and turned to her but before I could even say anything she grabbed for my hand "oh my god! He already did it. It's so cool to see my ring on someone!" I smiled and flushed a little and smiled at her. 'I absolutely love it. Thank you for making it for him' she nodded smiling and Josh cut in. "Congratulations you two!" Caleb pulled me snug against his side and squeezed me gently. 'Thank you, we are pretty happy about it' Josh looked at us and smirked "Has news traveled yet?" I knew what he meant instantly and I grinned nervously, 'not that far but I'm sure when it does it will not be pretty and it will be dramatic' Caleb chuckled lightly "it's always dramatic. But it's none of her damn business" I smiled and so did Josh and Jade. We visited for a while longer before Jade and Josh had to be headed back and Caleb and I headed out for a ride.

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