Chapter 52

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We all parted ways when we got back to the house to go get cleaned up, when Mallory and I walked through the back door the house was in full send party mode as my dad says, there was a catering crew buzzing around in the kitchen, people setting up a small band in the living room and my mom fussing about making sure everything was going right.
Hand in hand Mallory and I walked up to my dad and my parents long standing business partner Mr. Wesson. My dad smiled at me and beamed at Mallory "Wesson, you remember my son Caleb, and this is his fiancé Mallory Wells" Mr. Wesson shook my hand and then turned to Mallory to do the same. 'It's very nice to meet you' Mallory said laying on the charm. After a few minutes I excused us to go get cleaned up. "Dad, Mr. Wesson if you guys will excuse us, we are going to go get cleaned up and changed" we got nods of approval and we took off up the stairs as they continued to talk business.

Once we got up to the room I started pulling my clothes off as soon as Mallory closed the door. "I'm going to shower and then get out so you can get ready okay?" Mallory nodded and headed to the closest. "Hey pick out what you want me to wear" Mallory grinned and started digging.


I pulled out a pair of dark wash jeans, and matched a shirt to the turquoise under the cream lace of my dress, and then quickly zipped my dress bag up so Caleb couldn't see. I laid the clothes out on the bed just as Caleb came out of the shower. Caleb walked over to his bag and grabbed socks, and underwear and a white undershirt. I smiled at him as he walked up to the bed.
"What?" I just shook my head and stood on my tippy toes giving him a kiss. 'I love you' and then I walked off to take my shower. I took my shower and scrubbed myself clean and then got out wrapping myself in a fluffy towel. I wrapped my hair up and walked out into the bedroom and grabbed my blow dryer and makeup bag. I had just finished blow drying my hair when there was a knock on the door. "Yes?" 'It's Sarah, I showered and thought we could get ready together'
"Come on in" I smiled at her packing my blow dryer back in my bag and grabbing my curling iron. 'Do you want me to do your makeup?' I nodded enthusiastically. "Please, makeup is not my calling." Sarah laughed and set out her supplies having me sit on the edge of the tub. 'How dramatic do you want to go?' I rolled my head side to side thinking "kind of.. bold.. natural?.." I said laughing at how dumb that abounded "I mean" 'I gotcha. I think I know just the thing.' Sarah set to work doing my makeup and 45 minutes later I gasped in the mirror. "Thank you so much it's perfect!"

Sarah smiled and looked over at me and then down at the ring on my finger. 'Cassie would have absolutely loved you and loved to have you as a sister' I smiled sadly at her 'She hated Ashley, long before Caleb knew who Ashley was she competed against her.' I nodded "Ashley is a different kind of person to have to live with" 'your a kind person, you had to see how she treated Caleb and I'm guessing that she hasn't been nice to the two of you' I shook my head and shrugged "I spent far too much of my life overly concerned about other people's opinions of me. I'm pretty much done with that nonsense" Sarah laughed  and handed me my curling iron 'we better get a move on'
I curled my hair and pinned the top of it back out of my face with my curls flowing down my back while Sarah did her makeup and then she borrowed my curler and gave herself some beach waves. I walked over to my bag and grabbed my bra and underwear and headed to the walk in closet. I got dressed in the closet and came out wearing the dress Mrs. Odell bought me. The dress was fitted at the top and then when it got to my hips it flared out and ended just below my knees.
The cream lace over the turquoise backing  was beautiful and it fit even better than it had that day in the shop. "Can you zip me up?" Sarah turned towards me and Gasped 'you look incredible. Caleb is a lucky man!' I smiled and went to retrieve my shoes from my bag while Sarah slipped an emerald green dress that was a similar shape as mine. I slipped my heels on making me three inches taller and walked over to zip Sarah's dress up. 'Alrighty I'm going to find Jackson' "thanks so much for helping me get ready" I walked back into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror smiling. I took a deep breath and then headed out the door. I could hear the band playing and it surprised me that they were playing western music. I was paused at the top of the stairs listening in and taking a deep breath when I heard a door close behind me I spun around to see Mr. Odell coming out of a store room carrying a gallon glass drink dispenser. "You look amazing" 'thank you Mr. Odell, I was just enjoying the music' he nodded at me knowingly "Mrs Odell tried to pick something everyone would like a little bit of." I nodded "we'll be downstairs when your ready"  I smiled as he walked by and then a few minutes later I took a steadying breath and headed down the stairs. Caleb was standing across the room and he must have caught the movement from me coming down the stairs because I thought he was going to fall over. Marcus put his hand on Caleb's shoulder and whispered something to him and Caleb nodded fiercely. Caleb made his way over to the base of the stairs to meet me at the bottom 'you are, you are absolutely beautiful' I flushed and took his hand. "Your mom got me the dress" Caleb smiled at me and leaned down kissing my cheek. 'I could marry you right now' I smiled as he wrapped his arm around me and tugged me off of the bottom of the stairs. We walked around the room and he introduced me to a few different people. We finally made it back to Jackson, Sarah,  and Marcus. I let out a breath of air and leaned against Caleb. I laughed and visited with Caleb and watched the guests visit and have a nice time. Caleb laid down and whispered in my ear "Let's go dance" I smiled and followed Caleb to the dance floor next to his parents and he pulled me close to dance. We two stepped and he twirled me around the room and smiled and laughed with his Mom and Dad. Once the song ended and we clapped for the band Caleb pulled me to the kitchen to get a snack and a drink. 'Seriously, can you marry me in that dress' Caleb asked pulling me close to him by my hips. I smiled up at him "I'm gonna Marry you anyway" hmm he nodded taking a long drink from his beer 'you are, that's right'  "when are you going to marry me?" I looked up at Caleb tilting my head trying to decide if he was sober or not. "This is the first beer I've had all night. Stone cold sober" 'are you in a hurry? To get married?' Caleb grinned and shook his head "not at all honey, I love you. Even if you never marry me I'm going to spend the rest of my life with you." I smiled looking up at Caleb with tears gathered in my eyes. 'I will marry you and I will spend my life with you.. but I think lots of people would be upset if we did it without them' Caleb laughed and nodded. "I think your right Ms. Wells but you are absolutely stunning" I smiled and leaned up to kiss Caleb. "Back to the party?" I nodded and grabbed Caleb's beer out of his hand and headed back to the party followed by Caleb who grabbed another beer shaking his head following me.

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