Chapter 75

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We pulled back into the the yard just as Georgie and Katie were headed out to start evening chores. I grabbed Mallory's hand and pulled her along with me to meet them at the barn. Mallory started filling water buckets, Georgie was scooping up feed and Katie was adding supplements to the buckets so I climbed into the loft to toss hay down into the stalls. We finished up the chores and headed to the house, Mallory threw a couple of frozen pizzas in the oven while Georgie and Katie picked a movie. I walked into the bedroom and grabbed a large fuzzy blanket off of the bed for Mallory and I.


My phone rang so I snagged it off the counter.
/hey honey how are you doing?
-I'm doing pretty good mom, how are you and dad?
/we're good. Actually just got back from a bit of sightseeing.
-that sounds fun! Where are you at?
I checked on the pizzas and then stepped out on the back porch.
/the Grand Canyon, we're going to look at the top and then go on an overnight hike.
-that sounds like loads of fun.
/yeah, I think so. How was the doctor's appointment?
-it was good, they said every thing was looking as it should. She's going to send me for some additional tests just to check everything out.
/yeah that's pretty run of the mill, nothing you should be worried about.
-yeah that's what she said.
/okay honey I'll let you get back to whatever you were doing. I just couldn't wait anymore to hear about the doctor.
-hey mom?
-we're having a girl
My mom squealed and told my dad and there was yelling and excitement. I laughed and then I could hear my dad talking to someone in the background.
-who's that?
/oh the park ranger. Your dad's just getting all the information.
-go mom, enjoy your trip! Give me a call when you get out of the canyon.
/okay, love you kiddo!
-love you too mom

I shook my head as the call came to an end. I'm really happy for them, they deserve to do something good for themselves. I walked back into the kitchen to find Caleb pulling the pizza out of the oven. "My mom says hi" Caleb smiled at me. 'Hi mom' I laughed and shook my head. I grabbed pre natal vitamins from beside the kitchen sink and took two out and swallowed them down with some water. Caleb handed me a plate with two pieces of pizza and kissed the side of my head. I took my plate to the living room where Georgie had put Toy Story on and sat down on the couch. "The pizzas done!" I told them as they turned to look at me. I sunk back into the couch and sighed as my back relaxed. Caleb came in and dropped down on the couch next to me. 'Are you feeling okay?' I looked over at Caleb and half way smiled. "Yeah I'm okay, just kinda achey. The book said it's pretty normal, apparently growing a whole human can be a little rough on the body." Caleb leaned over and kissed the side of my head. 'Pretty incredible though babe' I nodded and took a bite of my pizza. Caleb stood up and jogged out to the truck. 'Where was he going?' I looked over at Georgie and Katie and shrugged my shoulders, a few minutes later Caleb came back in and handed me a body armour IV "I saw this and I thought it might make you feel better." My heart melted and I smiled at Caleb. 'Thank you Caleb, really. It means a lot to me.' I leaned over and kissed Caleb's cheek and we all settled in to watch the movie.


I watched Caleb and Mallory and I smiled to myself. They were ridiculously cute together and I had never seen them so happy. Katie was watching the movie and I was staring at my phone waiting on a text back from Badger. I know that he's busy with Scott but I'm struggling with not being too clingy. I played with the phone in my lap and finally sat it on the floor and laid back in the chair. I must have dozed off because the next thing I know Caleb is whisper talking to someone and then suddenly there is a shadow over me. "Hey pretty girl" my heart skipped a beat as I recognized Badgers voice. I scooted to the side of the chair to let Badger slip in next to me and I draped my legs over his. 'I was missing you' Badger squeezed me and whispered in my ear. "I texted you when I got to Hudson but I guess you were asleep." I snuggled closer into his side. 'Why are you so early? I didn't think you would be back for a few days?' "Scott ran out of some supplies so he needed some more from the clinic and there were a few patients that he needs to check on." I nodded and scooted even closer as Badger pulled a blanket over us. I saw Caleb carrying Katie up to her room just as I was dozing off once again. "I missed you" I faintly heard Badger say and he dropped a kiss onto my forehead.

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