Chapter 36

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To say I was confused would be an understatement, Georgie sat tensely in the drivers seat not talking or giving me any kind of indication about what was going on. We came to a stop in front of my camper and Georgie turned off the ignition and and the headlights and at there playing with her fingers. After at least five minutes I spoke "well.. thanks for the ride... I'm gonna.." I trailed off pulling the door open. I was feeling more awkward by the moment and really unsure so I hopped out and pulled my bicycle out. Georgie started the truck and turned the headlights on but continued to sit there, I parked my bike and stood on the porch waiting for Georgie to back out and leave. Suddenly the drivers door flung open and Georgie ran up to the porch saying something about 'no regrets' before she launched herself at me and kissed me. I don't know how long the kiss lasted but when she pulled away from me I was too stunned to do anything but watch her run back to the truck and back out of the driveway. What. Just. Happened?.


I slowly drove back up the gravel road not bothering to use any of Caleb's advice because I hadn't been gone long enough for it to raise suspicion. When I turned and parked in front of the barn the headlights landed on Caleb and Mallory making out leaned up against the barn wall and a blushed for interrupting them and for what I just did. I turned off the lights and killed the engine before climbing out and walking over to the two of them.
"Thanks for letting me borrow your truck I'm gonna go..." 'Woah, woah, woah' Mallory interrupted. I should have known I wasn't going to get away with that. I glanced at Caleb and Mallory seemed to get that I didn't want to talk about this in front of Caleb. Mallory looked at Caleb and he held his hands up in surrender "you girls go upstairs I'll go make some phone calls" we nodded and climbed up the loft stairs. When we entered the loft I noticed the clothes thrown around and I bra hanging off of the side of Caleb's laptop. Mallory blushes and quickly picked up all of their discarded clothes tossing them into a hamper and I smiled at her. "So your sleeping with Caleb" she looked like a deer in the headlights and I couldn't help but laugh. "He seems to really love you. I don't think you should be embarrassed" Mallory nodded and turned to me. 'He does but that's not what we're here to discuss' I sighed and sat at the desk chair facing Mallory. "We didn't talk, I couldn't muster up the courage to say anything so I just let him get out of the truck..." I picked at some loose strings on the quilt they was sitting on the foot of the bed. "But before I even knew what I was doing.. I got out of the truck and I kissed him and then I just ran back to the truck and left..." Mallory gasped and looked at me. 'Like you Kissed him or... KISSED him' "umm the second one" I looked around the room and I avoided Mallory until I couldn't stand it anymore and finally met her Eyes. I couldn't read her expression but it didn't look terrible.
'Well this will be awkward' was all she finally said before opening the door and calling for Caleb. When she turned around she looked unfazed and asked if I wanted to watch a movie. I only nodded as Caleb opened the door and came in and we started trying to choose a movie.


I called my dad and talked to him for a little while and told him about buying dragon and how things were going with Mallory and I and he seemed to be happy. When we finally hung up I had five rapid fire text messages from Badger.

Badger: this might be awkward but I don't know who else to talk to.

Badger: you don't have to listen, I know Georgie is like family.

Badger: I'm going to explode if I don't tell someone.

Badger: she didn't speak to me at all and then she KISSED me

Badger: I feel like my brain my explode.

I chuckled and smiled at the texts. Georgie's strange behavior starting to make sense and I contemplated just leaving him hanging but I thought that would be rude.

Caleb: calm down. If she kissed you she must have had a good reason. Just relax and get a good nights sleep and maybe you guys can talk tomorrow

Badger sent me a thumbs up emoji right after Mallory called down that I could come up. Once in the loft we picked a movie and Mallory and I took turns changing into PJs and then We cuddled on one side of the bed letting Georgie sit on the other and we tuned into the movie.



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