Chapter 14

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The next two days were spent in a crazy rush trying to get Amy and Ty all packed up, making sure they had everything they could possibly need for their new adventure. I barely got to see Caleb at all other than passing in the barn as we did different things to prepare, he didn't say a lot and it always looked like his mind was far away. I was beginning to get worried, worried that he thought about this and decided he didn't want to do it, worried that he was regretting ever getting with me. I trudged on lost in my miserable thoughts and before I knew it Amy and Ty were completely packed. After we loaded the last two bridles that they were going to take and closed the door I turned to face Amy and gave her a big hug

"thank you so much for everything Amy, I can't wait to hear about how your kicking butt on the circuit"

Amy hugged me back tightly

'you got it Mal.. thank you for all the time you put it helping me pack'

"hey no problem, but I want a mention when your famous"

I joked pulling away and pointing my finger at her.

"And you"

I turned to Ty still having my finger pointed.

"Take care of out girl, and I'm going to miss you"

I said as I let a smile take over and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

'You got it Mallory, you got it'

he said chuckling. After our goodbyes were said they headed inside to get a few hours of sleep and I turned to walk down to the creek and enjoy the full moon.
I was miserably sitting there thinking about how I wasn't sure I could handle going back to just being friends with Caleb, but if that was what he wanted I could figure it out when I heard the leaves crunching behind me. I turned my head to see Caleb grinning at me widely, walking up he sat down behind me with me between his legs he ran his hands up and down my arms.

'Hey baby'

I smiled and glanced back at him but he must have sensed something was wrong.

'What's the matter Mallory?'

I was suddenly lost for words as I took a deep shakey breath

"are you happy? I mean with me? I don't want you to feel like we did this in a rush and now you want out but you feel bad"

I managed to get out before tears dropped down my cheeks silently. Caleb pulled me tighter against his chest and wrapped his arms tighter around me and chuckled. I tensed, my nerves taking over. Caleb lowered his head and pressed a kiss against my ear as he whispered

"Mallory you are Crazy and I am Crazy about you, I am very happy and I wouldn't want things any other way"

I released a breath of air that I didn't realize I was holding and relaxed against him.

'I just didn't know. You've seemed kinda distant the last couple of days and I just didn't want to make you miserable if I was the issue'

He chuckled loudly behind me and then laid his chin against the top of my head.

"Mallory do you remember what tomorrow is?"

I thought hard before my eyes went wide and I realized I had forgotten my own birthday. I was going to turn 19!

"I was distracted but because I was thinking about this"

he dug into his jacket pocket and pulled out a velvety box. I shakily took it from his hand and opened it. There inside the box was the silver cross with a turquoise stone in the middle from the antique store in town that I had been looking at forever.

"How did you...?"

I asked trailing off and running my fingertips across it.

'I heard you telling Amy about it one day and I know you always look to see if it's sold when your in town'

he squeezed me gently and then unwrapped his arms from me

'may I?'

He asked and I just nodded. I moved my hair to the side and he clasped the chain around my neck and I looked down admiring it.

'Happy 19th Birthday Babygirl'

"Thank you so much Caleb"

I could feel him smiling behind me as he placed a kiss on the back of my neck and I shivered, he chuckled deep in his throat and continued around to the side of my neck and up behind my ear making my eyes widen and the air leave my lungs. He pulled his mouth away and wrapped his arms tightly around me.

"Lots more where that came from babe"

I smiled and leaned back against him looking up at the moon and enjoying hearing his heart beat.


When we finally made our way back up to the barn the whole house was black. I smiled at Mallory and gently shoved my hip into her side

'and just how are we going to sneak you into the house?'

She smiled and turned to face me as she backed me into the barn and pushed my back up against the wall.

"We don't have to.. I told Jack I was going to a friends house tonight"

'oh you did huh?'

I said sliding my hands into her back pockets. She nodded and stood on her toes to give me a kiss.

'And just where were you going to sleep?'


she said as she played with a button on my shirt

"if you had broken up with me I was going to walk out and sleep in one of the Cabins at the guest ranch but now I'm going to sleep in the loft with you"

My grip tightened and I slid my hands up her back for fear I couldn't focus with my hands on her butt.

'I'm not breaking up with you. I'm glad we are together and I'm so happy your mine. All Mine'

she wouldn't meet my eyes but I could tell something was working on her.

"I just.. there are so many things I know nothing about and I don't want you to be bored of me"

she said quietly but I wasn't sure what she meant.

'Mallory I'm not following you baby,

I know it's hard for you to talk sometimes but I need to understand so we can fix it'

She shrugged and still wouldn't meet my eyes. 

"I mean.. I uh... I don't.. know anything about... about sex.. and I'm.. I'm a"

I cut Mallory off with a kiss knowing she was embarrassed and I didn't need her to finish that sentence to know what she was talking about.

'I don't care Mallory, yes I was Married, yes I've had sex but only with Ashley. I've never slept around or anything like that. I'm glad you haven't. That way when the time is right and your ready it can be special for both of us.. okay?'

I asked tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She nodded finally raising her eyes to mine and I kissed her gently.

"Shall we go to bed now?"

I asked and she nodded. We climbed the stairs and Mallory slipped off her jeans leaving her in leggings and I tossed her one of my Hoodies to change into as I walked into the bathroom giving her time to change while I slipped my Pajamas on. When I emerged from the bathroom Mallory was in bed smiling at me. I crawled in and Cuddled her into my side as I reached over and turned the lamp off

"goodnight Mallory"

'night Caleb'


Not really sure how many people are reading this.. but if anyone is interested I would love to have a proofreader.. just to double check my mistakes. So if anyone is interested just shoot me a message.

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