Chapter 37

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The sound of floorboards creaking woke me up and I looked around to spot Georgie pulling her boots on so I reached for the alarm clock to tell me the time 6:07 "Georgie" I whisper yelled as to not disturb Mallory. Georgie turned and looked at me "wait downstairs, I'll get dressed and we'll do chores" Georgie nodded and silently slipped out of the loft. Mallory squirmed around in her sleep once I got out of bed but soon burrowed her way back into the covers so I dropped a kiss on her forehead and tiptoed to the bathroom and slipped on my clothes from yesterday. Making sure the alarm clock was turned off, I snuck out the loft door and down the stairs.
Georgie was in the grain room filling up buckets "Good morning, Couldn't sleep anymore?" Georgie shook her head and handed me the grain buckets for the left side of the barn. I grabbed the buckets from her and walked down the isle dumping grain in all of the feeders and giving everyone a once over.
I rounded the corner going back to the grain bins to put my buckets away and ran face first into Georgie. 'Sorry Caleb, I was just distracted I guess' I nodded and watched Georgie heading for the water hose, so I climbed up the ladder into the hay loft and tossed hay down to all of the horses and then soundlessly climbed down and snuck up behind Georgie who was rolling up the water hose.
"Boo" I whisper yelled grabbing her shoulders as she wheeled around and slapped me. I was laughing but Georgie looked Mortified. 'I'm so sorry!' "It's okay I was asking for it sneaking up like that"
I quickly changed the subject so she couldn't dwell on it any longer. "Let's go for a walk" I grabbed her elbow tugging her towards the path down the the creek not giving her an option to say no.
"Didn't sleep good last night?"
Georgie shook her head and scuffed her feet on rocks as she walked.
"I know I'm just a dumb guy... but maybe don't kiss a guy and then leave him hanging... bet you'll sleep better"
Georgie stopped walking and looked at me with a blush creeping across her face.
'How did you...' I smirked "believe it or not.. Badger and I have become decent friends." Georgie's face flushed again but she started walking next to me. 'I don't know what came over me.. one minute I was terrified and the next I was kissing him and then.. back to terror' I chuckled and nodded in understanding. "Believe it or not, some of the best things come out of those moments" I told Georgie remembering back to kissing Mallory for the first time.
Georgie studied me for a few moments.
'Is that how you felt about kissing Mallory?' I laughed and looked over at Georgie. "Yeah somewhat, it definitely was not a planned action and .. it just sort of happened but I don't regret it for anything" Georgie nodded and watched the creek flow by for a little while. 'What would you do?'
"Well for starters I wouldn't kiss Badger" I made light of her question and she rolled her eyes looking at me. "I don't know, guess it depends on if you still like him after you kisses him" Georgie nodded her head and kicked a rock thinking. "Do what makes you happy. I know Badger likes you. He's asked both Mallory and I about you." Georgie quietly watched the water for a bit. 'Are you going to hate me?' I looked at Georgie thinking she was joking but I saw the silent fear sitting in her eyes. "Hey" I said stepping closer and holding onto her elbow "absolutely not, your family and even if I didn't agree with you and Badger, I would never, ever hate you." I squeezed her elbow before turning it loose. "But no. I think he's genuinely trying to be a better person and he's a good person underneath his exterior." Georgie nodded and shot me a smile. "So for payment.. for this wonderful dating advice, I have a favor?"
Georgie nodded and turned to me expectantly, seeming relieved that I offered a change in subject. "Can you do some detective work and see what Mallory would maybe like to have for a ring?" Georgie's eyes widened and I grinned. "Don't go getting all excited, we're a long way off from that. I still need to talk to her dad and we need to be together longer but I want a future with her.. and I'd like to know what she has in mind so that I can keep my eye out for the perfect ring so that when the time is right I'll be ready" I finally ended my little rant and Georgie squealed excitedly. 'Yes Caleb I'll do some detective work.. I'll even get you a picture or two of what she's thinking'
I smiled and nodded my head nudging Georgie with my elbow.
We heard the gravel crunching behind us and we turned to see Peter with Katie on his shoulders walking down the path in his running clothes. "I was going to go for a run but Katie wanted to go to the barn but nobody was in there and I saw the tracks in the dew.." Peter trailed off looking between us like he was interrupting. 'Yeah we did chores and then we walked down here' I offered.
'Do you want me to take Katie? You can go run' Peter sat Katie on the ground and she rand over to me and hugged my leg. "That would be fantastic, Lou is making breakfast" 'perfect, we'll go get Mallory up and head in after a bit' Peter nodded and jogged off down the gravel path.
I looked at Georgie and shook my head.
"I haven't ran since it was a requirement in highschool" Georgie looked me up and down and then laughed. 'Yeah I think your doing okay'
I shoved Georgie to the side playfully and scooped Katie up. "Ewww I'm like your brother. Don't say that to me" Georgie smirked and crossed her arms. 'I thought Mallory was like a sister too but you have se..' Georgie glanced at Katie and stopped talking. I took that as my opportunity to start walking back to the barn. "Uhh huh you better stop" Georgie rolled her eyes and jogged up to keep up with my long legs.

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