Chapter 6

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Mallory went upstairs to shower and get warm and I went outside to do one last check and make sure everyone was safe and sound since the storm was set to hit middle of the  night.
As I wondered through the barn making sure everything was secure and the horses were all okay I thought over the events of today.
I don't know where the feelings for Mallory came from or what prompted me to act on them but I'm glad I did. I never felt so much kissing Ashley, I loved Ashley I did. Maybe we just weren't right for each other. My cell phone ringing brought me out of my thoughts. Finally getting it fished out of my pocket I read the caller id: Jack

- hello
(Hey Caleb its Jack
- Hey Jack, how are the states?
(Fine, Fine, how is it there?
-good just steady rainfall right now, the worst of it is supposed to hit tonight and then get cold and freezing.
(Good, I forgot Mallory was supposed to come stay.
-yeah she is in the house, I started her a fire and made sure everything was all set and I'm out in the loft.
(Alright. Thanks Caleb we'll talk to you soon. Bye

As I hung up the phone the rain started to get a little harder and I decided I should make a run to the house. By the time I got to the porch my clothes were soaked and I imagine I looked somewhat like a drowned rat. I ducked inside and slammed the door and I heard Mallory yell from the back of the house.

"I washed and dried your clothes from earlier, their in the bathroom"

'thanks, I'm gonna shower and clean up'


I moved around the kitchen cleaning up and organizing anything that was out of place while I was waiting on the pizza to cook. A few minutes later I heard Caleb coming down the stairs and turned around to see him in jeans and a white Tshirt. I smiled at him and then turned back around to pull plates out of the cabinet. I felt Caleb walk up behind me and place his hands on my hips and snuggle his face into my neck.

"You look very cute in my hoodie, I'm going to guess I'm not getting that back?"

He just smiled and left a kiss behind my ear when there was a knock at the door. He groaned in irritation and dropped his head where his forehead thunked my shoulder.

'How many people are going to come over in a flipping storm.'

I chuckled and pushed him off and headed to the door.

I swung the door open to find Soraya and Chase


Soraya said smiling.

"I talked to Amy and she said you were here alone and that you might be scared so we came to check on you."

'Oh well thank you, but I'm really okay. Caleb has been really great.'

"Alright well if you are totally okay then, we're going to head back before the storm gets any worse."

'Okay, thank you for checking on me'

I gave Soraya a quick hug and then I watched them run out to Chases truck.

I tip toed into the kitchen and saw Caleb washing dishes in the sink totally oblivious to the fact that I walked back in. I walked over and hugged Caleb from behind and he leaned back into me a little.

"Who was at the door?"

Oh just Soraya and Chase cause they thought I might be scared.

"Well that's odd"

yeah I guess Soraya talked to Amy earlier.

"I see"

Caleb said and laid his hands on top of mine. I was just getting comfortable when the timer went off signaling that the pizza was done. I grudgingly let go of Caleb and went to get the pizza out of the oven. I placed it on the stovetop and then headed to the fridge to grab a bottle of water. Caleb cut the pizza and put it on one plate and headed to the living room so I grabbed him a bottle of water and followed him. We sat on the couch and I grabbed a piece of Pizza munching on it while Caleb got up to put more wood on the fire. I picked up another piece as he came and sat back down, this time closer putting his arm around my shoulders. He looked over at me and kissed the side of my head before grabbing himself a slice of pizza. I scooted further into his side as the wind started howling outside. He chuckled and squeezed me closer to him. I ate all but the crust on my second piece of pizza, I chucked it across the room and into the fireplace.

"Good shot shorty"

I laughed and drank half of my water bottle down and then snuggles into Caleb's side. I must have dosed off against Caleb because a while later I woke up to the wind roaring outside and no Caleb. I scanned around the room for Caleb but no sign, I was about to go upstairs and look when I saw the shutter on the door flapping. I ran to the back door and opened it to see Caleb fighting with the storm shutters on the house. I ran out on the porch and helped him get the last three windows locked up before making a mad dash back inside. Luckily there was a break in the rain so only the wind was violent and we didn't get soaked. I headed over to the fire place to get warm and Caleb stood behind me crossing his arms across my stomach.

"I think this is the calm before the storm"

I nodded my head and leaned back into him. I squealed as he backed us up and sat on the couch causing me to sit in his lap. He chuckled at my squeal but pulled me closer as I snuggled into him and pulled the blanket over top of me.

"Get some sleep shorty".

Was the last thing I remember before I was out.

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