Chapter 63

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⚠️ gets a lil smutty later⚠️


We worked on the puzzle and we talked about going to the show and Caleb told Mr. and Mrs. Odell about the house. My stomach grumbled and I looked around to see if anyone had noticed. I stood up to go out to the truck to get a snack "Mal where are you going?" I froze and turned around to look at Caleb sheepishly. 'I just wanted a snack..' I drifted off. "Mallory honey, please make yourself comfortable here, just go in the kitchen and get anything you would like to have." Caleb stood up and grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the kitchen. When we walked around the corner Caleb turned around and was walking backwards looking at me. 'This is your house too, my parents love you. Please don't be uncomfortable here' I nodded as we made it to the pantry and Caleb opened the door. I spotted strawberry pop tarts and snatched one. Caleb laughed and handed me a sparkling water out of the fridge and we walked back to the living room. I sat back on the couch next to Caleb's dad and he smiled and nodded at my snack. "It's always good to have a midnight snack" I nodded and took a drink of my water. Caleb came over and sat down at my feet and I laid my hand on his shoulder while I looked at the puzzle. Caleb was rubbing the back of my leg and I was putting pieces in the puzzle. Mrs. Odell looked at us and smiled. Mr. Odell yawned and said he was headed to bed, so Mrs. Odell followed him to bed. We bid them goodnight and Caleb patted my leg "are you ready for bed?" I shrugged and nodded while I drank the last of my water. We headed up the stairs and Caleb opened the bedroom door for me. I kissed Caleb on the cheek on the way by and went into the bathroom to bush my teeth, I started to grab my pajamas but I changed my mind and just slid one of Caleb's shirts on and headed back in the room to find Caleb standing there in his boxers. Caleb smiled at me and pulled the covers back for me. I crawled into the bed and scooted all the way across letting Caleb scoot in next to me. "That was very awkward Mal" He said as he slid into the bed, I laughed and cuddled up to Caleb. 'That's Mrs. Odell to you' Caleb laughed and pulled me even closer. I laid my head on Caleb's chest and he kissed the top of my head.
"Goodnight Mal"


Mallory fell asleep almost instantly and I stared at the ceiling just thinking about how differently my life has turned from where I thought I would be. I wouldn't change it for anything. I squeezed Mallory a little tighter and I drifted off to sleep. I woke up to the sound of the shower running so i climbed out of bed and padded across the room to the bathroom and pushed the door open. Mallory was just standing in the water, letting it run over her muscles. I slid my boxers off and stepped inside the shower with her, wrapping my arms around her from behind and kissing her cheek. "Good morning Mrs. Odell" Mallory leaned back into me and she kissed my cheek. 'I can get out so you don't run out of warm water.' I shook my head and pulled her back tighter to me and turned us where the water was hitting us both. "It's tankless, it heats the water as it comes through. We won't run out of hot water." Mallory sighed and leaned back into me. I massaged my fingers through her hair and down her neck massaging her neck and shoulders. I kissed Mallory's neck and turned her to face me, my hand drifted down to her stomach and I gently brushed my hands over it. "It's so crazy to think our child is in there" Mallory smiled and nodded. 'I know, if you had told me a year ago or even nine months ago, that I would be married and pregnant I would have laughed in your face' I nodded "I certainly wouldn't have thought it would be my child" I pulled Mallory into me hugging her. "But you know what? I couldn't be more thrilled that it's with you."

⚠️Mallory stood on her toes and kissed me, she wrapped her arms around my neck and I scooped her up pressing her against the shower wall. My tongue licked her lips asking for entrance and my hands moved up to her nipples. Mallory moaned into my mouth and arched her back. The warm water pouring over us as I slid my hand between us to rub the tip of my cock up and down her wet slit. Mallory moaned as I pushed into her slightly. I grinned and pushed myself all the way in as I sucked on her neck. "Oh god baby your so tight" I mumbled against her ear as I thrust into her long and slow. Mallory's moans were deep and throaty and it urged me on. Picking up speed I thrust into her harder groaning when I bottomed out inside her. Mallory's fingers were pulling my hair and scratching up and down my back, the hot water pelting us as I thrust into her. A moan got stuck in Mallory's throat as she began to cum, she was tightening around my cock and getting more and more frantic as her orgasm kept going. I let her ride it out for a few moments before I thrust back into her, she yelped and gripped my shoulders as I started to fuck her harder. "Cum for me again baby, I know you can do it. That tight little pussy of yours is begging for it" I whispered in her ear as I nibbled on it. I covered Mallory's mouth with my own to keep her quiet as she began to cum again. This time I kept going and went over the edge with her, burying my cock deep inside her and holding her there. When Mallory finally began to move my softening cock slipped out of her and I sighed. Mallory kissed me on the lips.⚠️
'Thank you, that was incredible' I nodded in agreement and sat her down on the ground under the spray of water and I cooled it down a little as we scrubbed off with soap before getting out.
I walked into the bedroom pulling on my jeans from the night before and I walked back into the bathroom to see Mallory wrapped in a towel and spraying detangler in her hair. I picked up the hairbrush and began brushing through her hair. I finished brushing out the tangles and I sat the brush down and started braiding Mallory's hair. 'It never gets old to have you brush and braid my hair' Mallory looked at me in the mirror. "I didn't know you liked it that much, I can do it more often" Mallory nodded quickly and I smiled at her.


Once we were dressed and acceptable we headed downstairs. It was 9:45 and Mr. and Mrs. Odell or Clay and Martha as they like to be called, we're sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee and looking at the Sunday paper which they sat down as soon as they saw us. We took a seat at the table and we talked about the house and what we were thinking about decorations and rooms.
Clay and Caleb went outside to look for something that Martha had whispered to Clay about and we started to set all of the sandwich stuff out on the table. I was sitting the last jar of pickles on the table when I smelled something that made me instantly nauseous. I bolted out of the kitchen and barely made it to the hall bathroom before I was sick. I took a few minutes to catch my breath and steady myself. I walked back to the kitchen and started to apologize. "None of that, we all know it happens" Martha gave me an encouraging smile and handed me a sprite and some crackers. I took them and thanked her. After a few crackers and about half the can of sprite I was feeling much better. Caleb and Clay walked into the kitchen and Caleb immediately walked to my side. 'Are you okay?' I nodded. "Just morning Sickness, I smelled something that I didn't like." Caleb looked at all the sandwich stuff on the table. 'Do you want me to make you a grilled cheese?' I bit my lip but nodded sheepishly. Caleb kissed my cheek and walked around the bar and cooked me a grilled cheese and then we all sat down at the table to have lunch.

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