Chapter 43

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⚠️⚠️ smutty stuff at the bottom ⚠️⚠️


My dad finally came out of the rental car place and climbed into the back seat behind my mom.
"Finally got that sorted, what's for dinner?"
I shrugged and looked in the rear view mirror at Caleb, he was laid back with his hat tipped back completely relaxed and I smiled. 'I'm good with what ever you and Mrs. Wells would like' I nodded in agreeable silence and glanced at Caleb in the mirror again, this time though I was caught and I flushed. "We have to catch the flight in Calgary, we might as well eat at one of the nicer places there" my mom said so I backed out of my parking space and headed towards the freeway.

We chatted and joked on our way to Calgary, amazingly Caleb seemed completely at ease with my parents and that surprised me. My dad was usually hostile and unapproachable, I figured after his ride to town with my dad that he would be miserable but he didn't seem any worse for the ware. I smiled to myself and started paying closer attention to the road signs as we were coming into Calgary. "Somebody decide where we're going and get the GPS heading towards the restaurant" I said and Caleb fished around for his phone. 'So where would you guys like to go?' Caleb asked looking over at my dad.
'I was thinking seafood sounded good? How does that sound honey?' My Mom's eyes lit up and she nodded her head and I already knew what they were thinking. "Look up Blackbeard's" it's a fresh seafood place they love" I told Caleb glancing at him in the mirror and then returning my attention back to the windshield. Caleb plugged the directions into his phone and gave me step by step instructions until we got the truck parked. Once we arrived we all opened our doors and got out. Caleb closed his door and stepped close to me catching my cheeks between his hands, before I even knew what was happening his lips were on mine. "I love you Mallory Wells" I blushed from the pure emotions I saw running through his eyes and he stepped back smiling. Caleb lazily grabbed my hand and walked us around the other side of the truck to meet my mom and dad.

There was hardly any line when we got to the door and we were seated immediately. "Im going to run to the restroom" I said scooting out of my chair. Caleb and Dad nodded and Mom scooted out as well to come with me. I smiled at her and she linked her arms through mine. The bathroom was empty and we parted ways to do our business, when I came out of the stall and washed my hands my Mom turned to face me and touched my cheek lightly. "Your happy Mallory" I nodded and smiled at her "Happier than you have been in a year or more, I don't know if it's that boy or if it's being at heartland but whatever it is, hold onto it. I was worried about you" I smiled at my mom as tears dropped down my face and I reached out and wrapped my arms around her. 'I am happy, I'm happy at Heartland but Mama it's Caleb that makes me really happy. I love him so much' She nodded almost knowingly. "I know, I can see it when you look at him" Mom hugged me back even tighter and then we separated. I pulled away and looked at my mom brushing my tears away. "I can see you having a future with this man" my breath caught in my throat and I looked to my mother. 'I love him very much, he's not really ready for marriage quite so soon though' my mom smiled knowingly and shrugged. "I think it's a lot closer than you might think" I smiled and shrugged brushing the thought away and ignoring how the thought of marrying Caleb made me feel. I zipped my vest and mom and I headed back to our table.
To my surprise Caleb and my dad were easily talking and getting along and my mom smirked at me as I slid in next to him.

We ate dinner and had a great visit and all too soon it was time to pay and head to the airport. The waiter came over with the check and Caleb plucked it out of his hands, swiftly stuck his card in the holder and handed it back before my dad could protest. "Thank you for a lovely dinner, we were going to pay for you kids." Caleb nodded as he took his card back from the kid. 'I know, but it was my pleasure.'

My mom pulled her phone out and snapped a picture of Caleb and I surprising us.

"It's almost ten. Just about time to get us to the airport"

My dad announced and Caleb and I slid out of our chairs and headed to the door with my parents following behind us. When we got to the truck my mom pulled Caleb to the side of the truck she was riding on and I glanced at my dad, he shrugged and climbed behind the drivers seat. My mom and Caleb only talked for a few minutes and then Caleb hugged my mom and opened the passenger door for her and climbed into the back seat. I glanced between my mom and Caleb but all I got was a mega watt smile from Caleb and a smirk from my mother. I sighed and started the truck, pulling out of the parking lot.
We got to the airport and dropped my mom and dad off in their terminal and said our goodbyes, I climbed back into the truck with Caleb and we headed home.
Well, at least I thought we were headed home until Caleb pulled into the parking lot of a nice little hotel.
I looked over at Caleb with a question in my eyes and he smiled at me. "It's late, I made arrangements with Lou and Badger"
I grinned at Caleb and leaned over the center console and kissed Caleb on the mouth, Caleb wrapped his fingers in my hair and tugged lightly causing me to gasp a little. We parted and smiled at eachother and jumped out of the truck. Caleb grabbed his backpack out of the toolbox and we headed through the doors. Caleb walked up to the counter with me in tow and told the young girl behind the counter that he had a room. She batted her eyes at him but he paid attention to me as she handed over the room key. We stepped into the elevator and Caleb dropped his backpack to the floor reaching for me as soon as the elevator doors closed. Caleb caught my mouth with his and slid his hands up and down my sides, just as the elevator began to slow down and the doors open Caleb grabbed my breasts giving them a squeeze. "Just Incase you were wondering about my intentions"
I blushed and Caleb chuckled.

We made it into our room and Caleb chucked the backpack onto the bed as well as his coats and I did the same. Caleb turned to face me and smiled. "Hi" he said stepping closer and bending his head down to meet mine. Once the flames were ignited the fire ran wild, kissing clothes being pulled off in a frenzy until we stood before each other naked. Caleb stood back and raked his eyes up and down my body causing me to flush. 'Wh-What are you looking at?' Caleb smirked and stepped closer. 'Just looking at what's mine, that's all' He lowered his head but instead of meeting mine he continued lower and caught my nipple in his mouth making me moan, he guided me backwards and pushed me back into the bed. Caleb took my nipple back into his mouth and began to knead and pinch the other starting to drive me wild. I pulled Caleb's mouth up to mine and and pulled my legs apart as Caleb dragged his body up mine to do as I was asking. Once Caleb's lips met mine I reached between us and wrapped my fingers around his hard shaft and rubbed him up and down my slit. Caleb moaned and broke out kiss looking down at me. "I was going to go slow.." Caleb bit his lip and looked at me as I started to slide him inside me. There was no discomfort or unpleasant sensation so I only smiled up at Caleb. 'We have the rest of our lives to be slow' that seemed to kick start Caleb and in one thrust he was deep inside me and I moaned tilting my head back, giving Caleb access to my neck. I wrapped my legs around Caleb letting him do as he pleases and enjoying it.

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