Chapter 17

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I woke up a little while later when I heard footsteps on the stairs. I looked around and realized my head was still on Mallory's stomach with my hand resting on her hip, I just realized how sketchy this would look when Badger came into view in my doorway. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes avoiding the shocked look on his face.

'Uh Lou uh sent me to tell you guys that dinner is ready'

Thanks I said as Badger turned to head down the stairs. I shrugged and turned to Mallory.

"Babe, Babe wake up"

She groggily turned over and looked at me.

"It's almost time for dinner"

She nodded and stretched before slowly rolling out of bed. I grabbed her hand and we started down the stairs and across the yard. Once we got to the porch I stopped her to look at me.

'What is it?'

I leaned down and kissed her quickly.

"Your just really beautiful and I like you a lot"

she blushed a rosey red color and smiled at me and I smiled back tugging her into the kitchen. Everyone was just sitting down to the table when we walked in, Mallory and I took our seats and Mallory smiled when I placed my free hand on her thigh.
Lou filled everyone's plates like she likes to do and then once she was seated with her plate we all started to eat.

'Did you guys get everything all settled?'

I cleared my throat and looked at Lou to answer her.

"Well, the Camper is all set... but we kinda took a nap before dinner so I still have some boxes to unpack in the loft."

Lou chuckled and just looked amused.

'Mallory how long will your parents be gone?'

Peter asked.

"All spring and summer pretty much, they are really excited to be performing their act.. even if it's just in little dive bars across the US"

Mallory answered smiling while she picked at her food. I squeezed her thigh and she ate a piece of chicken.

'So your staying here all year?'

Peter asked again trying to fill the table with conversation.

"Yeah, Jack and Amy said I could work here in Exchange for showing Copper and make a little bit of summer money. With Amy getting this opportunity it's all kind of worked out pretty good, I mean I could have stayed in my house but it gets so lonely there."

'Yeah it's nice that there's always someone here to have things covered.'

Mallory nodded and smiled feeling a little more at ease and started to eat a little.
We all sat in silence for a few moments when Badger spoke up,

'so is there anything I should know about living in the camper?'

"Umm sometimes raccoons get in the bins so make sure you put the bungee cord on the top of them, the water heater sometimes trips the breaker and you have to go out to the power pole to fix it. But other than that it's pretty nice there."

He slightly nodded and was still looking between Mallory and I looking like he wanted to ask but decided better if it.

"Oh I put a bicycle by the yard gate, it's easier to get back and forth with it than to walk"

he nodded and continued to eat steadily. When I looked over I realized that Mallory had almost eaten everything that was on her plate when everyone was too distracted with conversation to notice. I patted her thigh and smiled at her.


After dinner I helped Lou clear the table and put leftovers away while everyone else went into the living room to pick out a movie. About three plates into washing the dishes Caleb came in and took the drying rag from Lou.

"You go fix the movie debate, I'll help Mallory finish the Dishes"

'ok, thanks Caleb'

We just finished the dishes and Caleb stepped closer to me and leaned over whispering in my ear

"Badger saw us in bed earlier.. just Incase you were wondering about the odd looks"

I froze and then I smiled at Caleb,

'Well he was going to have to find out sometime'

I said as I stood on my tip toes and gave Caleb a kiss.
Just as we were getting into the kiss Badger walked through the kitchen doorway

"Hey Lou said to make pop...."

he trailed off as he saw us.


I asked looking at him. He nodded and looked everywhere but at us. I leaned up and kissed Caleb's Cheek

"would you go get my fuzzy blanket and I'll help Badger make the popcorn?"

'Sure Mal'

I walked over to the pantry and grabbed a few bags of popcorn and three large bowls.

"So, you and Caleb huh?"

I smiled at him.

'Yeah, he makes me happy. He puts some of my pieces back together.'

"Mallory, I am so sorry for everything. I didn't come here expecting things to go back to the way they were before. I came here because I needed a safe place to be, a place to start over and become a better person."

I smiled sadly and nodded with understanding. I slowly changed the bags of popcorn in the microwave as I thought about what I wanted to say to him.

'Badger, there are so many things that I thought I would want to say to you if I was ever given the chance, But honestly Caleb has made me so much better and taught me to let go of things for my benefit. I forgive you, Badger. Things will never be like they were before everything, but if you would like to be friends we can do that.'

"I would like that a lot Mallory"

I smiled and gave him a hug Grabbing the bowls of Popcorn and heading to the Living Room.
I handed Lou, Peter and Katie a bowl of popcorn and then walked over to Caleb and I's Chair sitting in his lap. He covered me with my blanket and I snuggled into him. I looked over at Badger and Georgie sharing the small couch and a bowl of popcorn and I smiled. Caleb squeezed me gently and I looked up at him.

"I'm proud of you for being a bigger person"

he whispered in my ear and I smiled knowing he was talking about what was just said in the kitchen.
I snuggled Closer to him as I turned my focus to the movie enjoying my life to the fullest in this moment.

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