Chapter 42

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Badger and I walked down the path and stood looking at the flowing creek. I took a deep steadying breath and then glanced over at Badger. "I'm sorry about kissing you and running away, that wasn't fair of me. I shouldn't have done that." Badger nodded and scuffed his feet on the ground 'what I don't understand is why you did it in the first place?' I sighed and looked at my feet. "Because I like you, and I handled it completely wrong. But I like you." Badger nodded and looked over at me. 'Well maybe if you like me we could hang out? You know and actually talk?' I chuckled and nodded but stuck my hand out and Badger smiled and slid his fingers in mine.


I walked out of the barn to see a car pulling up to the barn but couldn't put my finger on who it was, Then when they got out I swallowed hard. "Mr. and Mrs. Wells! It's nice to see you, what a surprise!"

I shook Mr. Wells hand and Mrs. Wells gave me a hug.

'Yes, yes we just stopped in for a surprise. The show that we had tonight canceled and we were in upstate New York anyway so we thought we would surprise Mallory!'

I laughed nervously and smiled at them "of course, of course"

'We rented this car and drove up here! We have to catch a flight at midnight but we thought we could take you and Mallory our to dinner'

I paled a little but nodded my head and thankfully I heard Mallory coming down the stairs. "Hey Caleb I plugged your ipa.." she broke off when she saw her mom and dad and she ran down the stairs and gave them a hug. I smiled at the pure joy on her face and realized that thankfully she was completely dressed.

"What are you doing here??" Mallory asked pulling back from her hugs and standing next to me.
I put my arm around her out of pure habit and didn't realize that her dad was staring at me. 'We wanted to surprise you! We only have until midnight and then we have to catch a flight to Tennessee. That's where the next show is, the one in upstate New York that was supposed to be tonight was canceled' Mallory continued chatting with her parents and I absentmindedly traced circles on her side with my hands, looking out the barn door I saw Badger and Georgie walking up to the barn hand in hand and I smiled. Mallory nudged me and brought me back to the conversation. "What was it baby?" Mallory smiled at me and shook her head. 'I was saying that they could return the car before we go out and we can take them to the airport right? So they don't have to pay for an extra day?' "Oh yes absolutely" I smiled looking at them. I leaned over and kissed the side of Mallory's head "I'm going to go and tell Lou that we won't be here for dinner" I fished my keys out of my pocket. "You guys can go ahead and put your stuff in the truck if you want and we can drop the rental car off in Hudson" they all nodded at me and I headed towards the house to tell Lou the change in plans. I smiled at Georgie and Badger sitting on the porch swing holding hands. I stuck my head in the door and yelled in to Lou what we were doing and then I turned and headed back to the barn. When I got there Mallory had my truck running and warm with her mom and dads things stacked neatly in the backseat leaving room for two people to sit back there as well. I headed for my truck and Mr. Wells cleared his throat. "I'll ride into Hudson with Caleb that way you girls can gossip."
I faltered slightly but regained my composure. 'Sure Mallory you go ahead and drive my truck and follow us to town.' Mallory nodded and her and her mom climbed in and I got into the car with Mr. Wells.

It was a semi awkward silent ride down the drive way but once we were on the paved road Mr. Wells looked over at me.
I got scared for a moment but then he reached his hand out to shake mine. I hesitantly reached out and shook his back.
I was confused but I didn't dare ask until he started to speak. "I'm not big on the idea of my daughter dating anyone, but if it had to be someone I'm not too upset that it's you" ' Thank you, that means a lot' "Mallory has told us about you and her along and along and she told us how good you are to her, it's not that we didn't believe her but it's nice to see it in person" I nodded not really knowing what to say. "She's happy and at peace with herself, something she hasn't been in a while. Her mom and I knew but we didn't think it was bad enough to take major steps." I nodded knowing exactly what he was talking about, unless you were inside her brain you wouldn't know the extent of how depressed and down she really was. I decided to go for broke because I didn't know when the next moment that I would get to spend alone with her dad would be. 'I love your daughter Sir. I'm not afraid to tell you, I'm not afraid to tell anyone. I intend to spend the rest of my life with her. I know it's early and I know that we don't have any business getting married right now but I promise you that I love your daughter and will take care of her and do whatever is within my power to provide for her' there was a tense silence in the car and then her dad looked over at me and nodded. "I know you do son, people don't buy people horses that are a passing fling" I nodded and didn't know what else to say. "She loves you too, and I'm happy that she's happy and that you are committed to taking care of her.
Absolutely NO grandchildren until your married though" I cringed at the snap in his voice but I nodded in agreement. 'No grandchildren before marriage. Got it.'

"Mallory's mother and I only dated six months before we got engaged. The fact that your telling me all this tells me it's been on your mind a lot. Don't let not thinking it's been long enough or the fear of what other people say stop you two from getting what you both want and deserve. When you know, you know"

I nodded and smiled at him as we pulled up to the rental car place. He climbed out and went inside and I climbed out and walked over to my truck climbing in the backseat behind Mallory. "You can drive if you want?" I shook my head. 'You can drive us around. I don't mind.'

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