Chapter 59

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I woke up the next day grinning. I had texted Josh and Marcus last night to see if they would come be our witnesses and they agreed almost immediately. Marcus was going to come here but Josh was just going to meet us at the courthouse.

I rolled out of bed and went to take a shower, just as I was getting dressed I heard Caleb coming in the house taking to someone. I walked into the living room to find Sara and Marcus, I smiled widely and hugged Marcus first and then Sara "I hope you don't mind! Marcus was trying to keep it a secret but I made him tell me" I grinned and shook my head. 'We don't mind at all' I looked over at Caleb and he shook his head. We talked and visited for a while and then I looked at the clock. "It's two o'clock.. I think we should get ready" Sara enthusiastically nodded and followed me down the hallway 'you boys be ready and meet us at the courthouse.' Sara must have given them a look because there was no debate. I walked into my room with Sara on my heels and she pushed me into my desk chair going to work on my hair. She curled and pinned and hairsprayed my hair until she finally let me look. All of my hair was in a beautiful up do with braids and curls, a little messy but perfect for me with a few chunks of hair framing my face. "It's perfect Sara, thank you so much"

Sara grinned and turned me around to face her pulling out her makeup bag and setting to work. Just as she was finishing up my makeup I heard Caleb's truck start. Sara glanced at me. "Rings.. he said he was picking them up today" Sara nodded and out the finishing touches on my makeup. Sara quickly did her hair and makeup and I drank some sprite and ate a few crackers. Sara walked into the kitchen and saw what I was eating 'you don't have to be nervous. This is perfect' I shook my head "I'm not nervous. My stomach just isn't too good right now" Sara looked at me.. 'No!' I nodded smiling widely. 'Oh my goodness! That's amazing! Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?' "No it's still a little early to be able to tell. In a couple of weeks we can know" Sara hugged me 'I'm so happy for you guys' I hugged Sara back "thank you" I pulled back and looked at Sara "we aren't really telling about me just yet.." I trailed off and Sara nodded understandingly. 'I won't tell a soul. Now!" Sara said planting her hands on her hips "let's get you dressed" I nodded and led the way to my room pulling the garment bag with my dress in it out of my closet. Sara helped me slip into the dress and zip it up. "That dress truly is beautiful" I smiled at Sara 'it is, Caleb's request for me to wear it' Sara chuckled "that boy would marry you in a brown paper sack" I nodded knowing she was right. A few more finishing touches and we were headed to the courthouse.

When we got there I could see Josh, Caleb, Marcus, and Jade standing on the steps talking. My breath hitched when I saw Caleb he had on dark presses jeans, the turquoise shirt to match my dress and a tan dress vest. Standing next to him was Josh in pressed jeans and a tan shirt. I smiled widely seeing my future right there in front of me. I took a deep breath and stepped out of the car. I walked up the stairs catching Caleb's attention and he turned to look at me. "You have to breathe man" I heard Josh say and I chuckled. Caleb stepped closer to me and looked at me like it was the first time he was seeing me. 'You are beautiful' I smiled and stood on my toes to kiss his cheek.

We all walked into the lobby and the secretary smiled at us. "Right this way dears, I had a feeling you would be here" she led us down the hall to a small room that looked like a very small chapel. "You wait in here and the judge will be in shortly" Caleb and I thanked her in unison as she exited the room. Jade passed me a small bouquet of flowers. "Everyone should have flowers when they get married" my eyes watered at the sweet gesture and just as I was about to say thank you the door swung open and the judge walked in. He introduced himself to us "good afternoon, I am Judge Landry and I will be performing your wedding ceremony today" Caleb and I shook his hand "well, let's get started shall we?" We all nodded. He pointed where he wanted us to stand "the bride here, groom here and your two chosen witnesses here and here" we all arranged ourselves accordingly. Josh standing beside Caleb and Marcus standing beside me. "Let's begin shall we?" 'Yes' Caleb and I answered together.

"We have gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony" Caleb was looking at me with a look I couldn't decipher. Caleb Mitchell O'dell do you take this woman to be your wife, to live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" I took a deep breath waiting for Caleb's response 'I do' "and do you Mallory Elise Wells, take this man to be your husband, to live together in holy matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" I looked up at Caleb his eyes full of love 'I do'
"Repeat after me"

'I, Caleb Mitchell O'dell take you Mallory Elise Wells, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.'

The judge turned to me "Repeat after me"

'I, Mallory Elise Wells, take you Caleb Mitchell O'dell, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.'

"The rings now" Jade leaned forward and handed Caleb the ring for me.

"I give you this ring as a token and pledge of our constant faith and abiding love." Caleb slid the ring onto my finger, looking down at the small band I realized it matched the tooling on my engagement ring.
Jade passed me Caleb's ring.

"I give you this ring as a token and pledge of our constant faith and abiding love." I slid Caleb's ring onto his finger.

'Join hands please' Caleb wrapped his fingers around mine tightly.

'By virtue of the authority vested in me under the law, I now pronounce you husband and wife.' The judge smiled at us widely 'you may kiss the bride'

Caleb leaned down and kissed me grinning widely as he pulled away

'I now pronounce you man and wife'

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