Chapter 11

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As I pulled into the ranch yard at the house I noticed Peter and Lou's car in the driveway and them all on the porch. I parked the truck and walked around to Mallory's side and opened her door for her. Mallory hopped out and I grabbed her hand intertwining out fingers, She smiled up at me and squeezed my hand.

"I meant every word earlier"

I said as I kissed the side of her head.


I heard the truck rattle up the driveway not paying it much attention as I played with Katie, when I looked up I could see Lou staring at something, I followed her gaze to see Mallory and Caleb walking hand in hand and Caleb lean over to kiss the side of her head.

'What's going on there?'

"Oh that's a new development "

I chuckled. Lou had a strange look on her face before she Smiled

"glad to see you so happy"

'he wrote me a letter to say he moved on, I thought he was just smoothing things over but he looks happy'

"I think he is, or it seems that way"

'I'm glad'

Lou said looking at me, I smiled back and nodded my head.

"Well everyone, it's cold let's go inside!"


Everyone started filing in the house as we walked across the yard, I smiled to myself and tugged Mallory around to the back door. I looked over at Mallory and turned to walk backwards pulling her with me grinning, I leaned down to kiss Mallory and wrapped my arms around her hips still backing down the side of the house. Just as we reached the back porch Georgie burst out the back door and we jumped apart breathless, Georgie stopped and looked between us and then smiled and jumped over the railing into my arms.

"Hey Squirt"

'Caleb! I missed you so much!'

"I missed you too kiddo"

Georgie leaned close and whispered in my ear.

'I knew you and Mallory would get together'

I chuckled and looked over at Mallory who was watching Georgie and I, I then sat Georgie down on the ground and she went over to hug Mallory.

'I missed you too Mallory! Maybe we can go for a ride tomorrow?'

"That sounds great Georgie!"

I smiled watching them together and turned as I heard the back door rattle open and Lou walked outside holding Katie. Kate was babbling and giggling as Lou walked to the railing and then she saw Mallory and she tried squirming out of Lou's Reach. Mallory walked over and took Katie from Lou smiling

"Lou! It's so great to see you!"

Mallory said as she held Katie.

'Thanks!, how have you been?'

Mallory faltered for only a moment before she smiled widely and replied

"Great! Things here lately have been great!"

I walked over to stand behind Mallory and play with Katie over her shoulder as I rubbed Mallory's hip for reassurance.

'Amy said you guys survived the storm well?'

"Yeah it actually wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be"

'that's great'

I noticed Lou looking and she could see my hand on Mallory's hip, I slid my hand into Mallory's Jeans pocked standing closer with her back touching my front.

"How's Peters business?"

'It's going really well, this last year we were very successful'

"that's great!"

I said watching as Mallory played with Katie.

'Yeah we were and still are very great full to be set up so well going into this next year.'

"How long are you guys staying?"

Mallory asked as she was making faces at Katie.

'Well a good while, I think maybe until after the new year'

Lou looked a little nervous as she said, Mallory looked a little shocked but played it off as making faces at Katie.

"That's a long time Lou"

'yeah, but we haven't been around much with the business and this is our slow time. It's not like we can spend the whole summer here like I would like to'

"That's Great Lou, we are glad you are staying but what about school?"

Lou chuckled and looked a little nervous but smiled anyway.

'I have all their work, we just have to complete it and send it home to the teachers'

"well, sounds to me like you have it all worked out!"

I smiled and walked around to the porch steps and gave Lou a quick hug making sure I kept my eyes on Mallory winking at her, she smiled and shook her head. Just as I stepped back from Lou, Ty walked outside and started grabbing some firewood. I followed suit and grabbed an arm full heading into the house behind him.


I shook my head watching Ty and Caleb, when the back door clicked shut I smiled at Lou.

"I can't believe how big Katie has gotten!"

'I know! Me either!'

Georgie was the next one to speak up

'so you and Caleb huh?'

I turned red and looked between Lou and Georgie.

"Uh well yeah kinda"

'kinda? You were making out when I came out the back door'

I flushed totally red and Lou smiled at me

'I'm happy for you and him, you guys look cute together'

I studied Lou's face for anything I could see, but she was being genuine.

"Thank you"

and then I turned to Georgie

"and you"

I said pointing my finger at her

"it is not polite to bring things up that way!"

Georgie, Lou, and I were laughing when Peter stuck his head out of the back door to tell us that it was cold outside and we should come inside by the fire.

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