Chapter 29

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I woke up the next morning with Mallory taking up most of the bed, she was starfished out and I was laying on the very edge of the bed. I laughed and stood up stretching walking over to my jeans and pulled them on. I picked up my hoodie and pulled it on laying Mallory's clothes across the foot of the bed and put everything else in my backpack. Stuffing the extra stuff away I saw the envelope from Val and sighed. Then a thought crossed my mind and I retrieved my phone from the bedside table.

*new Text Message to: Jack,Amy,Lou*
Hello everyone! Good luck this weekend Amy.
I was wondering if it would be okay if I kept two horses at heartland? I'm looking at one that I can get a good deal on.

I slid my phone in my pocket as I felt small hands around my middle and rested on my abs. "Good morning to you too baby" I turned around in her arms and leaned down to kiss her. Mallory kissed me back and then pulled away. I looked down to see she was still only in her bra and panties and I smirked and smacked her ass. "Go get dressed before we don't get out of the hotel in time" Mallory smiled innocently and grabbed her clothes walking in to the bathroom.
My phone chimed as Mallory chucked my shorts out of the bathroom door and they hit me in the face, I laughed and shoved them in my backpack and pulled my phone out of my pocket as it chimed again.

Amy: Grandpa says that is fine and I agree, we are low on horses while I'm away anyway. :):):)

Caleb: Thanks!!

Lou: I don't care, all horse questions need to run through grandpa and Amy.

Caleb: yea yea I got the okay.

I stashed my phone back in my pocket before Mallory could see what I was up to. Mallory and I rode the elevator down to the ground and I handed her my keys and the backpack and told her to go outside and that I would check us out of the hotels. Mallory nodded and headed outside. I pulled my phone out and created a new text message quickly before I headed over to check out.

*new text message to:Josh*

Hey bro... that little black horse that you let Mallory ride at the rodeo... is there any chance that you would want to sell her?

I locked my phone and walked up to the checkout desk and handed in the room keys and grabbed a receipt and made my way outside to the very nice warm truck. I climbed into the passenger side before Mallory could get out and I leaned over the center console and kissed her cheek. Mallory just looked at me confused. "I'm not driving for the rest of my life, I think it's only fair my other half takes on some of the responsibility" I sank back into my seat and smiled at the shocked look on Mallory's face before she wiped it off and backed out of the parking space. My phone chimed and I retrieved it from my pocket.

Josh: yeah I would sell her to you.. I don't need her I only bought her cause she was flashy and I got a good deal.

Caleb: perfect... to be honest it's for Mallory.

Josh: I figured as much. 😂

Caleb: so how much?

Josh: $3,000

Caleb: I'll buy her. I'll come by tomorrow afternoon and pay you and talk to you about it.

Josh:Rodger that.


I watched Caleb smile and slide his phone back into his pocket. I wondered what that was about but didn't want to annoy him by asking so I just focused on the road and humming along to the radio.
Caleb reached over and held my elbow rubbing small soothing circles.
"How are you feeling? You know... after last night?"
I felt my face turn red and I glanced over at Caleb. "You can talk to me honey, it's not embarrassing" I nodded and took a minute to gather my thoughts.
'It's good, I'm a little sore I guess but manageable' Caleb nodded and squeezed my elbow gently "I love you" I smiled an bit my lip 'I love you too Cowboy' he chuckled and leaned back into his seat.
"It was Josh by the way" I was confused and it must have shown because he continued talking "I was texting. It was Josh" 'Oh' I just focused on the road. "It's cute that your jealous" I bit my lip and focused on the road for a while before I spoke. 'I'm sorry Caleb, I don't mean to be this way... I just...' Caleb reached over and squeezed my arm. "You don't have to explain Mal, I'm not mad. I understand why your a little uncertain at times but I swear I will do everything in my power to not make you doubt me" I could feel tears poking at the back of my eyes so I pulled off of the highway into a scenic overlook, put the truck in park, flung my seatbelt off  and crawled over the center console and wrapped my arms around Caleb burying my face into his neck. Caleb didn't even question me he just wrapped his arms around me and held me until I was calm again. I sat back and wiped my face clean looking at Caleb. 'I didn't do anything to deserve you, you are so amazingly wonderful. I am so insecure and crazy and scattered and you just somehow manage to press me back together'  Caleb smiled and placed his hands on my cheeks. "I love you Mallory, I will be as patient and understanding as possible." Tears were still dripping down my cheeks but I was calm now and I leaned into his hands. Caleb hugged me close again and we just sat there quietly.


A little while later I reached down and opened the door letting the cool air wash over us and I slid out of the seat leaving Mallory sitting there. "Doing okay now?" Mallory nodded and looked sad.
"Mallory, don't be upset and don't keep thinking that it's going to make me change my mind"
Mallory nodded and hugged me one last time. I let her go and I walked around the truck to the drivers side and climbed in "Ready to go?" Mallory nodded and leaned back into my seat and looked over at me smiling. I reached my hand out to Mallory and she put hers in mine and I smiled kissing the back of her hand.

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