Chapter 27

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I laughed harder than I had in a while at that movie, once it was over I picked up all of the trash from our snacks and tossed it in the trash and Caleb put his hand in mine and we headed outside to find it pouring down rain and freezing. 'Well this is lovely weather' Caleb laughed and pulled me closer to his side and pulled his cell phone out of his pocket.

Badger: the weather here is horrible, I'm going to sleep in the loft if that's okay? I don't mind doing chores tonight if you guys want to stay wherever you are. Have fun ;)

I snatched Caleb's phone out of his hands and typed out a reply.

Caleb: thanks dude! We will do all of the chores tomorrow. Feel free to crash in the loft.

Badger: actually I'll take care of chores in the morning also... Scott is going to take me to Calgary with him tomorrow afternoon and we won't be back until Monday night.

Caleb: sure thing! Have fun with Scott. We will see you Tuesday. :)

I showed Caleb the conversation and he nodded and then began to google. I couldn't see what he was looking up with the way he was holding his phone so I just snuggled up to his side watching the rain pour down. Caleb tucked his phone back in his jacket pocket and wrapped his arm around me. "Should we make a run for it?" I nodded and stood up straighter. Caleb clicked the unlock button on his key and we both took of at a run.

When we reached the truck we were breathless, soaking and laughing uncontrollably. Caleb turned the heater on high and reached across to hold my hand as he pulled out of the parking space.
"So where are we headed?"
'You shall see soon my dear'
I only smiled at him and held his one hand in between mine.

I zoned out looking out of the window until I felt the truck some to a stop and looked around. I saw that we were stopped in front of a Best Western Motel and I looked over at Caleb. "It's not fancy but it was close in this weather and we might as well have fun too" I nodded and made a run for the over hang and Caleb grabbed a backpack out of the backseat before doing the same thing. Caleb walked up to the counter to get us a room and the young girl behind the counter couldn't keep her eyes off of Caleb and I gritted my teeth watching the exchange. I couldn't stand it anymore and walked up next to Caleb wrapping my arms around him and hugging close to his side. He absentmindedly wrapped his free arm around me while signing the receipt. He smiled at the woman and led me down the hall to the elevator. Once we stepped inside and the doors came to a close he tugged me up close to him and pecked my lips "you know green is an awful color on you" I turned bright red and buried my face in his chest. He chuckled and put his arms around me when the elevator door chimed and he stepped out into the quiet hallway pulling him with me. We walked to the far end until we reached a room and he swiped the key card and we walked in. He chucked his backpack on the desk and grabbed me pulling me up against him and smiled. "Our clothes are soaked" I nodded and rested my hands against his chest. I made a rash decision and I grabbed the collar of his jacket pulling him down to crash my lips against his. I don't know where that came from but he wasn't complaining as he tangled his tongue in my mouth. I moaned and slid my hands down his collar and started unzipping his jacket pulling it off. He reached for my coat unbuttoning it, never taking his lips off of mine. Pulling me out of my jacket he broke the kiss and stepped back. I wasn't sure what just happened and I just watched him as he picked up our jackets and hung them on the doorknobs to dry. Finally he turned back to me and just looked me up and down. I swear sometimes it's like he can read my mind. "You didn't do anything wrong. I just don't want us to do anything that you will regret." I nodded but I also stepped closer to Caleb and reached my arms up and wrapped them around his neck. 'I know Caleb and I greatly appreciate that but, but, but I. I think that I, well that I maybe well, l-love you' I stuttered out finally and fixed my eyes on the top button of his shirt. Caleb tensed beneath my arms and I panicked. I snatched my arms back like I had been burnt and I turned to go.. well I don't know where we were in a one room hotel. Before I could think too much about my situation Caleb grabbed my arm and spun me around and planted his lips on mine. Caleb pulled away from me but kept both of his hands on my face. "I love you too" I looked up at him.. 'why did you..' Caleb sighed and pulled my body even tighter against his "because it just hit me in the movie theater Mallory, how much I do love you and it just shocked me that you...well that you said it first." I grinned and tugged his face down to meet mine and kissed him again. He kissed me back and then walked over to his backpack pulling out clothes. 'They are all mine but they are comfy and dry, we can let these dry and wear them home tomorrow' Caleb reasoned as he handed me a pair of gym shorts and a hoodie and I graciously took them walking over to the sitting chair and starting to pull my clothes off. I had just pulled my jeans and socks off and I was standing there in my bra and panties when I looked up to find Caleb standing there in only his jeans staring at me. I flushed red but didn't make a move to cover myself. Caleb inspected me from head to toe, his eyes stopping and lingering on my boobs before returning to my eyes. I should have felt self conscious or nervous but I just felt wanted. I took a step towards Caleb when there was a knock on the door. Caleb cursed and pulled a long sleeve T-shirt over his head and I scrambled to pull on his clothes.
Caleb looked back to make sure I was decent before swinging the door open.
Val Stanton was standing on the other side of the door and I managed to stand around the corner where she couldn't quite see me.
"Caleb it's nice to see you, what brings you into the big city?"
'Just catching up on some things what can I do for you Mrs. Stanton'
Val smiled at Caleb.
"Always the polite Cowboy you are"
Caleb chuckled but I could tell it was forced and he cleared his throat.
Val looked a little uncomfortable as she continued. "I know that everything that happened between you and my daughter was not all your fault. I'm not stupid Caleb. I'm sorry for the way things happened but I'm not sorry that Ashley is not with you anymore"
Caleb let out a low chuckle 'yeah me too' he said and then seemed to realize who he was speaking to. 'Not that I wish her ill thoughts or anything, I'm over it and I'm seeing the greater good' Val Stanton was quiet for a few minutes and then she rummaged around in her purse. "Here, this is for you" I could hear paper shuffling and then I heard Caleb gasp. "12,000CAD$ that should cover all of the car payments you made on that car for Ashley along with living expenses and vet bills" Caleb sighed and shoved the money back in the envelope going to hand it back to Val but she shook her head and stepped back. 'Val, we were married. It was my responsibility to take care of those things for her. You don't have to pay me back for it.' Val cleared her throat and stepped closer once again. "Caleb, I know she was cheating on you and I know that's why you asked her to leave. I know for everyone's sake you two kept that bit of information silent, but I know. I don't condone cheating and I believe once someone has cheated that, well that the marriage is no longer binding. That is a thank you for taking good care of her when I doubted you, and for even after everything she did you not dragging her name through the mud. My mind is made up. I'm not taking that money back" Caleb stood there for a second silent and then he nodded and stuck his hand out. Val shook his hand and then excused herself and headed down the hall. Caleb closed the door and walked back into the room shoving the envelope of cash down into the pocket on his backpack and then turned to me. "Well, now you know what really happened" I only walked forward and wrapped my arms around him holding him tight. Even more thankful now for this man standing in front of me than I was not thirty minutes before.
Caleb Hugged me back and I waddled us over to the bed and flopped us down laughing and pulling the blankets up around us. "Nap Time?" I asked and Caleb simply pulled me closer and rested his chin on top of my head.

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