Chapter 8

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I woke up cold and reaching for Mallory, when I came up empty handed I turned over and saw her adding wood to the fire and noticed that I could see my breath. I shivered and stood up pulling the blanket around me. I walked behind Mallory and put my arms around her pulling her closer and tighter with the blanket. She turned her head to look up at me and I leaned down to place a kiss on her lips. I was just sliding my hands down her shoulders when Jacks old Radio started garbling. Groaning I unwrapped myself from Mallory and walked over to the desk uncovering it.

'Who's there, over'

I let off on the button and listened. More garbled words spewed across the quiet room.

'Anyone there, over'

Jacks voice came across clear

"Caleb, are you and Mallory okay? Ty and Amy are. Over"

'yes, yes we are okay. The temperature has dropped severely and the snow is piled up but we are okay and staying warm by the fire. Over'

"Okay, good. I was just worried I'm sorry if i woke you up. Over."

'It's all good Jack. You and Lisa be safe. Over and out'

I clicked the transponder off and turned around leaning on the door frame looking out into the living room to see Mallory looking at her phone. I walked up behind her and kisses the top of her head.

'Only Jack would radio and zero dark thirty'

Mallory Chuckled and leaned her head back to look at me.

"That's Jack honey"


As the sun started to come out we got dressed in the warmest clothes we could find and headed out the barn to check on everyone.
It was a trek getting across the snow and a struggle to get the barn door open but once we did we were greeted by nickers and some warmth. I quickly ran from stall to stall looking at all the horses, everyone appeared to be fine. I got to Ghosts stall to find him laying down and Caleb sitting on his back. I smiled and snapped a picture before Caleb noticed and then I walked in, ghost lifted his head but showed no sign of moving. I walked over and knelt down to scratch ghost on the head and looked up to see Caleb intently watching me.

'Ashlie never liked him, she always came up with some reason we should get rid of him. He was always there for me when things got rough, through my sister. I couldn't bear to let him go. I'm glad he likes you Mallory'

I felt a tear rolling down my face and I easily made my way over to Caleb and he stood up wrapping his arms around me.
After we composed ourselves we decided to do chores and make a run for the house as the wind was starting to howl. We made sure all the automatic waters were on warm and not frozen and we fed everyone giving them extra Hay. Finally finishing we struggled to close the barn up and make a run for the house. Caleb grabbed my hand and we trudged our way to the back porch, by the time we arrived out clothes were soaking wet and we were shivering. We peeled our outer clothes off and laid them out by the fire and then we went our separate ways to put warm dry clothes on.


'Hey Mallory, do you want some breakfast?'

Her face paled and she looked squeamish but nodded her head yes. I changed into my dry clothes, boiled some eggs and made toast but no sign of Mallory. I made sure the stove and toaster were off and I headed upstairs. Mallory's bedroom door was open and her bathroom door was cracked. I knocked lightly on the bathroom door. Not hearing a reply my heart began to race and I flung the door open to see Mallory sitting on the floor Crying.

'Oh baby '

I scooped her up and sat her on the bathroom counter standing between her legs. She cried harder as I soothed her until finally she ran out of tears. I just stood there rubbing her back until she sat up to look at me

"I didn't make myself sick, I'm sorry. I was Just ashamed of myself. Ashamed I didn't really want to eat even though you've been so good to me."

I sighed and put my hands on her cheeks.

'Baby, I know this won't be an over night thing, and that's okay. As long as your willing to try with me I don't care how long it takes'

She smiled at me through her tears and nodded and I grabbed her hand tugging her off the counter and downstairs to eat out breakfast.

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