Chapter 40

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We pulled into the yard at heartland and I pulled up to the barn and parked. Badger and Georgie were mucking out stalls.
Mallory jumped out of the truck grabbing her box and headed to the house and I shook my head. I walked into the barn to find it tensely quiet and awkward.
"Hey guys"
Badger said hello back but Georgie just grunted and I rolled my eyes.
I saw that they only had two stalls left so I walked past them and got Ghost and Dragon out and tied them up, brushing them. Georgie was the first one to walk up to me.
"Why don't you go get copper and Phoenix, we will all four go for a ride."
I said it not leaving any room for argument from Georgie.


Georgie was huffing and walking out of the barn when I walked in, I didn't even try to speak to her. I noticed Caleb had the horses tied up and brushed so I went to find him.

Caleb and Badger were standing in the tack room talking about a movie. "What's up with Georgie?" Caleb rolled his eyes and nodded towards Badger when he wasn't looking 'I asked her to go catch Copper and Phoenix so we could all go for a ride' I nodded in understanding and grabbed my turquoise saddle pad to go put on dragon and Caleb followed me carrying his saddle that I liked to use and he slung it up on dragon for me. "I'll buy a saddle soon" Caleb chuckled and just shrugged. 'I don't mind, you seem to like this better than I do anyway' I smiled at him and stood up on my tippy toes to kiss him before I started cinching up my girth.
Caleb walked off to go saddle Ghost.

Georgie walked into the barn, horses in tow. Tied them up and then stomped all the way to the tack room. Badger grabbed some grooming brushes and walked quietly down the ally to groom Phoenix.
Georgie stomped out of the tack room door but didn't make it very far before Caleb grabbed her arm and spun her back around and into the tack room. I walked over to ghost and braided his tail while I listened to what was happening in the tack room.
'What the hell Caleb?!' Georgie snapped and Caleb took a deep breath. "You need to straighten up, not only did none of us do anything to you but Copped doesn't deserve your piss poor attitude" 'Nothings wrong Caleb stop acting like Peter!' "Then stop acting like a spoiled brat. It's not my fault or Mallory's or even Badgers that your upset with yourself. You made a decision and now you don't know how to handle it. Stop taking it out on innocent people and animals." 'Go smother Mallory if you want to be an ass your going to be her husband anyway' I felt Caleb tense from inside the tack room and the next thing I know Caleb had ahold of Georgie's arm and was taking her out the back side of the barn.
Badger walked up beside me looking as awkward as I felt.. "so..?" He asked trailing off and I shrugged momentarily. 'Why don't you go ahead and saddle Phoenix and Copper, I'm just going to run upstairs and grab something and we'll wait for Caleb to come back' I told Badger as I pointed out which saddles to put on each horse. I ran up the stairs and into Caleb's loft and grabbed the grey hat that he let me wear at the rodeo. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and smiled at how much happier and healthier I have been since Caleb found out about me and has been helping me. I bounced down the stairs with a smile on my face and found Badger just finishing up saddling Phoenix and then moving on to Copper.


I drug Georgie out behind the barn away from Badger and Mallory before I turned her arm loose and turned to face her.

"I don't know what your damn deal is but you are acting like a bitch." I informed Georgie matter of factly. Georgie only crossed her arms and glared at me.
"Like it or not. You have made this mess. You created this awkward tension with Badger and your taking it out on everyone that's trying to help you." Georgie still stood there looking pissed with her arms crossed but relaxed slightly. "Look, all I was trying to do was create a way that at least we could all hang out and you could either get over being awkward or maybe you could actually have a moment to talk to him" Georgie uncrossed her arms still frowning and sighed. 'I'm sorry' I nodded, crossing my arms and waited to see if she had anything else to say. Georgie sighed again. 'I know I created all this, I guess I just didn't know how to handle it' I nodded. "Well you know what Georgie?, your growing up and your going to have to figure out how to keep a better hold on your emotions. You can't stomp around and say mean things when you don't get your way. You aren't a toddler anymore." I uncrossed my arms and shoved my hands into my pockets. "What you said to me about Mallory was extremely uncalled for as well" Georgie cringed and nodded.

I walked back to the barn with Georgie trailing closely behind me like a dog with its tail between its legs. I walked in to see Mallory holding Ghost with his bridle on and putting her bridle on dragon and Badger just standing in the doorway of the tack room.
Georgie cleared her throat and apologized to Mallory and then quietly mumbled an apology to Badger. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and walked over to Mallory.

I placed my hands on her shoulders and I realized she had my hat on. "That's my hat!" Mallory chuckled and blushed. 'I was borrowing it...' I shook my head and leaned down and kissed her nose. "It's okay. I don't really like that hat anyway"
I squeezed her shoulders. "I'm so.." Mallory cut me off by kissing me 'don't apologize to me for something you didn't say... besides.. Georgie was right. You do smother me, but in the best way and I don't mind at all' I laughed and looked down at her "I sure love you Ms. Wells" I said leaning down and kissing her right on the mouth.

"Hey, Hey, hey, go get a room!" Badger said jokingly on his way by and Georgie actually cracked a smile.
I pecked Mallory once more on the lips and then took Ghost from her and swung myself into the saddle and then watched Mallory do the same.
I smiled and took her hand walking outside of the barn to wait for Georgie and Badger.

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