Chapter 7

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I woke up listening to the storm outside, thunder Crashed and lightning lit up the sky but the wind wasn't nearly as bad as I had imagined it might be. I tried moving my left arm but it was between Mallory and the couch. I smiled looking down at her reaching up to run my fingers down her braid. She looked so peaceful, the most peaceful I have seen her look in weeks, as I watched her sleep I wondered how long she hadn't been feeling good about herself, about her life. I would have never thought Mallory would ever have any kind of problems in her life.

As I was thinking I must have tightened my grip on Mallory because she began to stir in her sleep. I loosened my arms around her and let her snuggle back up to me comfortably.

I let my mind wonder, wonder if Ty and Amy were doing okay, wonder if Jack and Lisa were having a good time in the states, wonder where Ashly was and if she was as happy as I am, about Lou and Peter and the girls, most of all I wondered how people would take this when they found out. I hope they would be just fine with it, I hope there will be no questions asked but I knew that wasn't the case. I just hope everyone can learn to like it because I'm not ending this for anyone else's sake.

Mallory began to stir around again, this time looking up at me and giving me a sleepy smile. I smiled back and watched her rub the sleep out of her eyes.

"What time is it?"

I stretched my arm out to the coffee table to retrieve the closest phone, which happened to be Mallory's and Clicked the screen on the check the time. The lit up screen illuminated my face and the time blinked on 3:47 but the picture that was her lock screen caught my attention. She was sitting on Copper at the Fall Finale and I was standing next to her on the ground with my arm around the back of her saddle. Looking at the picture you would have thought we were a happy couple, at the time the picture was taken I didn't think of Mallory as anything but a young friend but now I wonder if these feelings have been there for a while and they just clawed their way out yesterday. "That's my favorite picture ever, your always so nice and helpful"

I smiled at Mallory as she finished talking and I reached down to kiss her. Mallory reached up and wrapped her arms around my neck and I tightened my arms around her back. Mallory licked my lips, surprised I opened my mouth and let her do what she pleased. She explored around my mouth and then she nipped at my upper lip, I kissed her one more time and then pulled back smiling.

'Where'd you learn how to do that?'

Mallory giggled.

"I guess badger was good for something."

I laughed and pulled Mallory closer kissing the top of her head. How about we go back to sleep? Mallory nodded her head against my chest and pulled the blanket back over us.

The weather crashed around the little fishing shack and the boards creaked and moaned but I felt like we were safe in here. I pulled Amy closer to me, looking at the book Amy had in her hand.

'Do you think Caleb and Mallory are having fun?'

Amy put her book down and looked over at me raising her eyebrows at me.

"What do you mean?"

'Like do you think they are snuggled up on the Couch like we are?'

"What? Caleb and Mallory?"

I could see the confusion working across Amy's face.

"You think Caleb and Mallory are...?"

I smiled and looked at Amy

'you don't?!'

"No Ty, why would you think that?"

I laughed.

'Amy he was acting so weird before we left, and there is a picture of the two of them as Mallory's Screen saver. Caleb was doing Mallory's Chores before we left.'

" Amy tilted her head from side to side considering things."

'Well if they are hopefully they're happy and it won't end badly.'

I smiled and pulled Amy closer to me and I leaned down to kiss her.

'I think we should stay quiet and just see what's happening'

"I didn't think we should broadcast it Ty"

she said shoving against my shoulder. I pulled Amy down under the covers and Pulled her close.

'Lets go to sleep.'

She nodded her head and snuggled up tight to me.

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