Chapter 24

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I rode Dragon around until she was sweating lightly and then I decided to look for Caleb or Josh who were nowhere to be seen.

I decided to check down by the bucking chutes since that's what they would be doing first. As I walked towards them I spotted Caleb in his black hat and a man that looked like an older version of Caleb talking to him along with a lady's with bright red hair. Suddenly I stopped as I realized they must be his parents but sadly Caleb caught sight of me before I could run and hide.

Caleb took a step towards me and I decided I should keep walking up to them. My stomach knotted and my legs felt weak as I walked up to the trio of people. I stepped off of Dragon and Caleb stepped to my side and put his arm around my waist.
'MoM, Dad this is Mallory, my Girlfriend' I felt my cheeks turn pink as they looked me over. 'Mallory, these are my Parents Clay and Martha'
I smiled shyly and waved awkwardly "it's nice to meet you both" I said quietly. Caleb's Dad smiled at me warmly almost immediately as he took in the way Caleb and I were standing. Caleb held me a little in front of him so he could put his arm around me and his fingers rested in the edge of my front pocket.
I wasn't sure what to think of his mom until she smiled widely and hugged me. I stiffened for just a moment and then I hugged her back.
"No Kiddo, it is SO nice to meet you. We have heard lots about you"

I smiled relieved to finally have that over.

Just as I separated from Martha the Rodeo announcers voice crackled across the speakers. (We are about 10 minutes away from Rodeo time folks so get your seats and get readdddy)

Caleb squeezed my side apologetically and then leaned down and pecked my lips. "I'll see you when I get off"
He pecked my lips again before walking off.

My face was bright red and I turned to face his parents.

Martha looked at Clay and he got the hint. 'I'm uh going to go buy snacks'

Martha smiles lovingly at him and thanks him.

I turned to walk towards the arena with Caleb's mom, Martha, walking next to me.

'That is a cute little horse, is he yours?'

"Oh no ma'am, she belongs to Caleb's friend Josh. I was just riding her"

'Josh Wilson?'

"I'm not sure of his last name honestly"

Just as I was finishing saying that Josh walked up next to me and smiled at Martha.
'Hey Mama O'dell' She jumped out of her seat and hugged him with as much love as I saw her hugging Caleb. They continued to talk and catch up but I mostly Zoned out watching Caleb getting things ready standing at the top of the bucking chutes.
Josh wondered off to the bucking Chutes and Clay found us with his arms full of snacks. He handed me a bottle of water and I barbecue sandwich. "Thank you so much! What do I owe you?" He waved me off and smiled. 'You make Caleb happy. That's all I could ever want. I smiled at him and turned my attention towards the arena.
Caleb was climbing into the bucking chute onto his bronc. Just before the gate opened I took a deep breath of air and held it as I watched the gate open and Caleb snapping across the arena on the bucking horse. When the buzzer finally went off and Caleb was back on his two feet, I finally let out the breath of air that I was holding. Clay stood next to me and squeezed my shoulder.
'It never really gets easier but I'm glad to see you don't panic'

I turned my head to look at Clay and he was watching me with understanding in his eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked him finally looking away from Caleb.

'Watching someone you love, do something that's potentially Dangerous. My Daughter use to ride Jumping horses. I'd be white-knuckled all the way through her goes'

Without thinking I turned around and hugged Clay, I felt the same pain in him as I felt in Caleb when he had talked about his sister.

When we pulled apart Clay smiled at me. "Thank you. We don't talk about Cassie much, it feels good to remember the happy things sometimes" I smiled sadly and nodded my head in agreement.

A little while later Caleb rode up to us on Ghost holding onto his gear bag. Clay grabbed it from Caleb and sat it in the empty seat next to Martha.
'Thanks Dad'
Clay nodded and smiled at Caleb.

Caleb turned to me. 'Are you hungry? Do you want me to get you something?'

"No I'm good, your dad bought me a water and a barbecue sandwich"

He grinned and nodded his approval. I smiled back.

After visiting with Caleb's parents and sitting around on Dragon it was time for the boys to rope.

Caleb backed into the Header box and Josh backed into the heeler box.

Caleb nodded and they opened the chute, it happened so fast I wasn't completely sure I even saw it. Caleb and Josh had a 6.24 Run. I smiled and laughed in excitement.

'They have always been good together, they rodeoed all through high school together.'

I looked over at Martha, hoping she would explain further but she didn't.
Clay must have sensed my curiosity though. 'Ashley got between them, she didn't want Caleb hanging out with lowlife rodeo people anymore'

Suddenly so many more things became clear, Caleb's lack of friends outside of heartland, the way Ashley was always on his arm when she was around, everything. Caleb was being emotionally bullied and no one even noticed.

After Caleb and Josh went to the office to collect their winnings we went back to the trailers and started unsaddling the horses. I put Joshes stuff back in his trailer and I tied Dragon to it and headed over to Caleb and Ghost.

I ran and jumped on Caleb's back and wrapped my legs and arms around him. "Congratulations Caleb" He spun me around laughing and squeezed my legs.

Just as he set me on the ground his parents and Josh all walked up. He finished quickly putting Ghosts stuff in the tack room and then joined us as we chatted.
I yawned and Caleb squeezed me closer to his side. 'Well, it's been great guys but I think I'm gonna take Mallory home so she can get to bed'
I smiled and told everyone goodnight and promised we would see them again soon and then I loaded Ghost while Caleb said his goodbyes.

Once we were in the truck Caleb suddenly remembered.
'Where is Badger? I haven't seen him all night'
My eyes widened and I pulled out my cellphone. Luckily there was a text from him
•Badger• <with Scott he had to go on a vet call. Said I could go. He will drop me home tonight>
I showed Caleb the text and sent Badger a thumbs up.

Caleb pulled out of the Rodeo Grounds headed home.

I must have dozed off because the next thing I remember was Caleb picking me up to tote me into the house.
"I can walk you know"
He smiled and kept Carrying me until we got to the porch. When he sat me down I realized I didn't have any shoes on. I looked down confused and Caleb laughed. 'You took them off in the truck. Let's go to bed'
Caleb held the house door open for me and I walked down the hallway to my room with Caleb right behind me.
Not thinking twice I slipped out of my clothes and pulled on a pair of leggings and one of Caleb's shirts right in front of him and then I climbed into my bed, not even ten seconds later Caleb was behind me in only his boxers. 'I could get use to that view' he whispered in my ear and pulled me close. I started to drift off to sleep with a smile on my face.

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