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After the meal, you had a short-lived conversation with Philza. Amongst the small talk you had asked him if the rumors about him having wings were true, but instead of answering he looked at you with shock and scurried away, shaking his head as he went.

While the group waited for Ranboo's return, Wilbur was the only one who stuck near you. Everyone else was grouped on the opposite side of the room, speaking with Technoblade- presumably about his travels. Occasionally, who would bring up some old memory, but the hollow conversation would die down quickly.

That was, until he brought up your parents.

"So..." He trailed off, his voice steady, "Hw were your parents? Up until, y'know."

"They were doing well, I guess. Even if they weren't I wouldn't know. I hadn't even known that they contracted TB until my mother was bedridden."

"How awful."

"Truly. I'm just lucky I survived when I was younger and became immune, or else I'm afraid that I too would be dead right now."

"Tuberculosis really does run rampant in your Kingdom, everyone in your family has had it."

"Yes, such a dreadful virus. I'm hoping that once the Kingdoms have fallen that the population will as well, and it'll spread less."

"How hopeful."

"I have trust in my people."

At that the chat ended, Will stalking off to the group. It was only when a crow tore through the cellar shudders that the room went silent. The bird perched itself on Phil's outstretched hand, a scroll in its beak.

Phil reached to grab it, examining the seal.

His eyes widened and he began to shake, his eyes wandering to his friend's, one by one.

You stepped over, curious about the panic. What you saw, however...

Was a wax seal of pure black.

Kingdoms Fall- TechnobladexReaderWhere stories live. Discover now