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You had no control over what fate chose for you. There was no reason for you to lose sleep over it. 


When morning came you were awoken by a knock at the door. Techno stepped in and placed a bowl on the bedside table after moving the empty bottle.

"This should help with your throat. Give it a second, though. It's hot."

He reached over and lit the bedside- lamp. 

"If you feel strong enough, once you finish you can come join us in the parlor. It's right outside the room."

He was gone as fast as he came, giving you no time to react to or even process a thing he said. It was only after the door slammed shut behind him that you could realize he invited you to have a make-shift meeting with them.

You picked up the bowl of stew and smelled it. It smelled strange. There was a single daisy head used to garnish it. Apprehensively, you took the spoon and tasted it. It wasn't bad, nor good, and had no distinct taste. It went quickly, as it was easy to eat. 

Shortly after finishing it your throat stopping burning and your headache subsided. You decide you would join them.

While standing you were still a bit shaky, but able to walk. There was no nausea when you moved.  If it weren't for the fatigue and faint ache in your head, it would feel like you were never sick in the first place. 

Once in the parlor, the already faint chatter died down as they waited for you to sit with them. You sat in the only empty chair, which was next to Techno.

"Now that we're all here, we should discuss an escape plan." Phil spoke up.

Will shook his head and said, "Don't be so cynical, Phil. Surely we'll get out of here before the guards raid the town."

"Well yes, I believe we will, but we need a backup plan. What will we do if we're trapped here?"

"You stay in here," An young, unfamiliar voice pitched in, "It's unlikely they'll find my bunker, and if they do there's plenty of hiding spaces."

"But how will we leave once they think they've cleared the town?"

The room went silent in consideration. It was clear no one had any semblance of a plan. 

"We could leave now," you offered, "We know they're not here yet, and it would eliminate the possibility of being ambushed or found."

"Are you healthy enough to travel?" Techno turned to you, "I mean, we don't even know where we're going yet, and while I don't doubt your durability, you're sickness can resurface at anytime."

"What kind of choice do we have? If we wait for me to be perfectly healthy, we're never going to get anywhere. I can handle it, we just need to figure out where to go."

Techno opened his mouth to speak.

"She's right," Phil interrupted, "We can find someplace to go today and leave by noon. It will give us just enough time to get to a safe distance." 

"Right, sure- whatever," Techno stood, "I'm going to go check on Carl. I'll be back."

As he marched off Will rolled his eyes.

"Anyways, while he goes and pouts, say hi. Y/N, this is Fundy. Fundy, this is Y/N."

"Hello, Fundy."


"And, I suppose, we should be told why we came all the way out here in the first place?"

"Right," Fundy lifted himself up, "Stay here, I have something you need to see."

He hurried out of the room.

"So, um, am I allowed any background on what's going on?" You asked.

"Sally's my pirate girlfriend and something may have happened to her," Will said bluntly. 

His face was blank and the way he said it made it sound like he didn't care, but he looked as if he hadn't slept in days, and he was pale and sweaty in a way that made him seem ill. Despite his nonchalant tone, he was clearly falling apart. 

You just fell silent. You could have figured that much, but it wasn't entirely what you meant. You wanted to know why there was a poison seal on the house, what could have possibly happened to her, and why he had a pre-teen son that was pretty much living on his own in a town full of bandits. 

You wanted to know how they met, why they fell in love- why they had a KID for that matter. Maybe it wasn't on purpose, maybe it was meant to just be a fling, but Will was a teenager himself, and you sure hoped Sally was as well. But that would mean that they'd been hiding this for 12 YEARS! None of the marriages would have mattered anyways!

Fundy returned with a slip of paper and a pirate's hat.

"Here," He hesitantly handed the items to Will.

Will put the hat on his lap and shakily unfolded the paper.

You could see his eyes glaze over a bit after he had read it. He sat still for a moment before simply folding the paper back up and handing the items back to his son.

"I never want to see it again," he said plainly, before twisting around and trudging down the hall.

Phil laid a hand on his face in distress.

"She's dead, isn't she?"

Fundy nodded.

Phil stood and embraced Fundy, allowing him to suddenly burst into tears. You didn't know what to do. What do you do when someone cries because of the death of a person you never met? You can't say "She was a good woman"- there's no way of you knowing that. All you can say is you're sorry, and how many times could you say that before it gets old?

So you just sat there, waiting for Techno to return. Other than Will, who seemed he was going to be locked in that room for awhile, Techno was the only person that you remotely knew in this place, and you sure as hell weren't going to just get up and leave.

The hat was now on the floor along with the piece of paper. Part of you wanted to read it, but you already knew what it said. Why did it matter how it said it? It would be rude to even touch either of the items. 

All you could do was try to ignore what was happening and drown out the crying that was practically in your face. 

This is what fate chose for Sally and Will. Could you really trust it to shape your future now?

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