Chapter 1:Finding someone

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Free de la hoya POV
I entered an old house far from BC SOL about 10 metres.Suddenly I go to a room with a suspicious door and I feels like he being crowded with spirit around him.Then, I was surprised when I was already somewhere else.I saw a girl that same age with him.That girl turn around and look to free eye to eye.She said"my name is Yuki Naomi.We have met before but maybe you can't recognize me at all because your memory about me already been sealed by my father".I just being silent when I heard about it. I asked"why my memory about you being sealed?And where I am right now?".She replied" I don't know the reason my father doing this because I being sealed by him too so I being a sealed human right now.Actually this is the place that I being sealed.Sorry because I have to invite you at here".I said"it's okay".Then,Yuki find something at her bookshelf and came out with one gallery book.She go to free and give it to him.She said"this book maybe can remind you about and I want you to find me in the real world.Oh,before I forget you have to follow the instructions in that book.I really hope you can help right now".
I replied"oh I will do my best for it".

Suddenly,I wake up from his sleep and saw the same book that yuki gave to me.And I open it page by page.The only thing I see is my picture with yuki since I was a kindergarten.I forgot that I still in the old house.I sighed.
So,I decided to go back to BC SOL and pack my bag.

*I hope you enjoy it even though it's kinda weird and yeay I finished one chapter.😆


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