Chapter 7: A Night Full With Memories

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Free de la hoya POV
Free and I finally back home from MDSA.Valt went into Yuuko's house followed by me.I saw Yuuko lying on the couch with his right hand on his forehead.We just go straight to our room.Valt put his bag on the floor and asked"what just happen to Yuki?It's kind of weird personality and not the same as the first time I saw her and why her eyes turn to purple instead of black". I just smile and said"actually its happen because she sip a bit of my blood that's why she already being herself and her eyes turn to purple".Valt paused for a moment after hearing the word"sip a bit of Free's blood". Valt asked"for real?And what happen next?".I  said that I remember back about yuki and my memories and I was a senior student at that academy. I take a swordman course but until now I can't remember how to use akarui,a light yellow sword of mine.

Night finally take place from morning...

I decided to go to the mountain when Valt was eating dinner with Yuuko and Yuika.I sneaked out through the window in our room.I left my bag so Valt would think I was just walking down the street enjoying the beauty of nature.Just kidding.

Finally,I arrived at the mountain that I promised to meet with Yuki.I saw Yuki was staring at the stars in the sky.I just lay my body on the floor of the mountain top.Yuki finally realize that I was there already and said"sorry, I almost didn't realize that you was here.Ok,straight to the point.I want to tell you something".I just said ok.Yuki said"after you being my demon partner,you can use your akarui sword but not from you, it's only  with your bey now.If your bey it means that you have to remake the bey and the sword". I asked"and what's next?".
"I thought Free will be shocked.Oh ya I forgot that Free always with emotionless face"said Yuki with herself. Free just remind silent.

*Ok.End chapter 7. Enjoy it😆

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