Chapter 24: Yuki's True Nature

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Free De La Hoya POV
"Have a sit and have some green tea.", Natsuki-sensei welcoming us into his house.
"I never thought that you already renovate your house. It was really nice.", said Yuki. Natsuki-sensei just chuckle a little. I just ignore them with drinking green tea that Natsuki-sensei made by himself.
"What's today's conversation? We have to straight to the main thing,first. And about your older twin brother. Although I already borrow Free,right now? So,just split it out. And today I have sword fight tournament.", said Yuki. It feels like I'm being forced to come here.
"Okay, First is about my older twin brother. His name is Natsuki Kurogane and he was already married. I think you know his son's name. What's that again? Ummm.", said Natsuki Kagane.
"Ryou Kurogane?", I asked.
"Yeah, that one. He always follow his father's order for anything in his life. Second is Yuki's real element is not darkness nor ice. It was plundering,right?", said Natsuki Kagane. "Yeah,you don't have to ask me if you think it's a right thing. Already late now so I gonna go now.", said Yuki with pulled me out from Natsuki Kagane's house.

"Do you already have a plan?", I asked.
"Yup. Superb one and I need you in this plan too.", said Yuki.
"Ook.", I replied.

A few minutes later,
We sneak in the stadium hidden way with Yuki's teleportal. We go at our waiting room.
"Wait a minute. Why it's look like you?", I asked.
"That's is my disguising robot. I set using my name and it will scan that person for a disguise and it will exploded after 10 hours and I already for 5 hours. That's why I in the hurry before they detected me.", said Yuki.


"And because of that too.", said Yuki.
"Ook, Good luck then.", I said. She smile with elegance and left me in this room. So, I left this room and headed to stadium to watch it.

*Done chapter 24. It almost end and I just can't believe it. Yeay.

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