Chapter 26: Snow Vacation

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Yuki Naomi POV
Several years passed,
I as usual continue my works as a president of MDSA. Yeah, I'm being president for 10 years though. Suddenly, Yui burst into my office without knocking my office's door first. So, I give her a little punishment for that. Hehehe. Now, Yui and Natsu Karui(Akarui) already in engagement.
"Yuki, can you help me?", asked Yui.
"About what?", I asked her.
"How about this weekend, we go to Megurogawa (Meguwo River) or maybe we go to my place playing with snow?", asked Yui.
"How about we ask them all? It's more easier that way. Because if I'm the one who decide it, maybe it can make others feel uncomfortable with it.", I said.
"Hmm,okeh. We will held a meeting tomorrow. I will call everyone too. Yippee.", she replied. She left my office.
"Tomorrow is the last day for me to be here.", I said to myself.

The next day...
"Hello, everyone. Today I and Yuki..", Yui doesn't done with her speech and being pinch by Yuki.
"Aww, that's hurt.",said Yui.
"I never said it my decision too. It's yours not mine.", I said.
"Umm,fine. But this only friends conversation,right? So we can be more friendly in here.", she said.
I sighed and said,
"This is meeting room and meeting room only be used in formal way not in friendly way. You have to follow it." I replied.
"Umm,ok. I continue. Which one do you all like the most Megurogawa (Meguwo River) or maybe we go to my place playing with snow? Vote now.", Yui said to everybody in the meeting room.
"Playing snowwww", said Valt and Rei.
"Others?", Yui asked.
"Follow the majority vote.", said Free,Silas,Yuika and Yuki.
"That mean that all of you want to go to my place?", Yui asked again.
"Yup." I said as the conclusion.
"Yeayyyyy, okey I will ask my grandma for it and you all to be packed.", said Yui.
"Okeyyy.", said everyone.

*To be continue. I hope the next chapter will be the end. Waaaaaa.😭

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