Chapter 11:Where's Valt???

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"When is the last time you two see him at home?"Yuki asked I and her father to be sure about it.I said"I go out and Valt said that he doesn't want to go out with me because he want to sleep.So I left him".Yuki just nodded and ask her father"father,how about you?"He replied"I was at the grocery store to buy some food because the food items in the kitchen already have run out ".Yuki said"I'll call Misaki.You two go find him".I and Yuki's father went out looking for Valt.Yuki waiting for Misaki answer her call and finally she answer it.Misaki asked"Why do you call me right now?You just cut my mood right now.I don't even eat yet".Yuki replied"I'm sorry for disturbing you eating.Actually I want to ask you about Valt.You see him anywhere?".Misaki answered"yeah,I saw him right now at Seiji's cafe.Eating piece of cake with someone but I don't know who.Why?".Yuki patted her forehead and said"Misaki,send the location.I want to go there.I ended the call,okay?".After the call ended,Misaki send Seiji's cafe location.Yuki send the location to Free.I get the location from Yuki and I tell her father about it.

After a few minutes...
I,Yuki and her father finally arrived at Seiji's cafe.Misaki just waving her hand. Seiji just stood in front of the counter and smiled sweetly to Yuki.Yuki just ignored it.Yuki's eyes straight to Valt and someone that which she know him very well about."ASUZA,WHAT DO YOU WANT?",Yuki said it with stamped her hand on the surface of the table.Asuza said"woah,chill.What I want?Simple.The thing I want is all from you".Asuza approached Yuki and held a strand of Yuki's hair.Suddenly,Yuki pointed her knife at Asuza's neck and blood from his neck dripped a little.Misaki try to pull Yuki out from Asuza but Yuki ignored it.Seiji approached Misaki and said "give strawberry milk to Yuki. This can calm her down".
Misaki stuffed strawberry milk in Yuki's mouth.Yuki's eyes returned to dark purple from light purple.She give the good comment and reaction about the strawberry milk.Actually,it is Seiji's homemade strawberry milk.Yuki just continue drinking the strawberry milk without any problems through to her head.I never thought it will be that easy.

I never thought it will be that easy

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*This is Asuza Minamori.For me,he kind of cute but the real him is creepier than you thought.He have two personality.😐

*End chapter 11.
Actually,strawberry milk is my favourite drink.I put it as Yuki and her father favourite drink too.Ehek😉

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