Chapter 22: Yuki's Imprisonment

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Yuika took out her magic wand and pointed it at the monster. Yuika uttered her magic words so that the monster energy absorbed by her magic wand. The monster ended up with die.
"Where did you learn that?", Yui asked.
"I'm a magic user and my sister is the one who teach me some powerful techniques that she know.", Yuika replied. Everyone just being wow with it. Yuki from far, giving thumbs up to Yuika while she were in fight. Yuika replied it with thums up too. I wantt to go somewhere cause I'm boring just standing at here but... she standing at front of me. I kinda little shock cause of that.
"Sis,is it already over?" Yuuko asked. Yuki just nodded. Suddenly, Natsuki-sensei ordered his subordinates to arrest Yuki and put her in jail.
"What a crime my daughter has committed that she needs to be imprisoned? And as a father, I should know everything about it.",asked Naomi. One of Sensei Natsuki's subordinate want to replied but Yuki stopped him.
"Father, don't have to worry about me. I will be fine as always. I don't have to woried about what they do at me right now. And sorry if I make terrible mistake at you", said Yuki with bow a bit to her father. Before Yuki go to jail, Natsuki-sensei give an announcement.
"The sword match still going with Yuki will fight at the jail and the rest will fight at here", from Natsuki-sensei's announcement. The students of MDSA throwing some trash at Natsuki-sensei but he just ignored it. Yuika take her magic wand and put on her magic spell on Natsuki-sensei but she was slow for a moment, Natsuki-sensei attacked her using his monster power.
"Defendation dark shield transition to Yuika," Yuki use her defence shield for Yuika.
"Heyy,Yuki. Why you defend her? She is against my orders and want to kill me.", said Natsuki-sensei.
"Kill you? What a pity. She doesn't learn magic spell for killing yet. You're so coward but you want to kill your own brother that I learnt with. Hahahaha", said Yuki with laughter. Natsuki-sensei control his anger and ordered his subordinates to take Yuki to Black Sword Jail. Yuki just leave with her hand being cuff. I and the other just watch Yuki, Natsuki-sensei and his subordinates walking away. Yui hugged Yuika to calm her down.

When Yuki near to Natsuki-sensei's car door, Ryou and Rei stopped Natsuki-sensei from borrowing Yuki.
  "Ryou,Rei. Please don't be so idiot just because you trust me that I doesn't do anything bad,so just let me go. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Ryou will replace me as a president of MDSA for a while until I was being freed. Ahh, before I forget, please tell Yui that she has been admitted to MDSA and I want her to be vice president to replace Misaki. I want to enjoy this vacation first. Hahahaha. See ya."said Yuki start walking with Natsuki-sensei to his car.
    "Yuki,why you...", said Rei but being stopped by Ryou.
    "Yuki, I will do it for you. I will take care MDSA for you until you come back. Make sure you win all matches."said Ryou. Yuki just waving her hand from far.

*Done chapter 22. Thanks for your waiting. Hehehe 😜☺️. But I really sad about this chapter. Yukiiiiiii!

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