Chapter 19: Yuki Or Ryuna??

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I finally realized that I forgot to ask Yuki about the date of the sword match and now I want ask her but she still teaching math to Yuuko cause she is good in all kind of subjects. She is a top student at MDSA and I'm just at the lower rank. Yeah because I always sleep in the class. "Sis,can I go join Yuika archery?",Yuuko asked. "Just go already. I think she still there with Misaki", Yuki said. Yuuko left Yuki and go find Yuika at the yard. I just pretended not to see what was going on by continuing my training. I glanced slightly at her but I don't when she stand at the side of me. I'm freaking shock about it. Yuki asked"what are just doing?". I replied"nothing. Just doing my training. Oh,when is date of the sword fight?". Yuki said but with a creepy tone"this weekend. Do you afraid to die? If yes, you are not worthy to be Yuki's demon partner. Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm inner demon for Yuki. The name is Ryuna". And one more time, I freaking shock again and weird. Why she turn into her inner demon? But I or she or Seiji never tell anyone about our life story.

At night...
Yuki, I mean Ryuna. Why she still at outside even though the day already turn to night. Suddenly Kris came near to me and said"where is Yuki? We're about to go right now". I replied"you all go first. I will go with Yuki". Kris just nodded and leave me. So I go to Yuki. "Yuki,lets go. They already go right now. Your father,Yuuko and Yuika go with Kazuki". Yuki turn her head around and looked at me. She said"sorry cause making you worried. I don't why I turn to Ryuna,my inner demon". I just said"it's okay". Yuki called Kurai and immediately he appears in front of us. So we just ride it.

Arrived at BDA.....
"Hey,take this. That is schedule of first part of the match. I will fight with...umm. I can't remember it's name. So I will be the opening ceremony", Yuki said. I just laughed a little. We go find our room but when we at our room, it is very purplish at the wall,bed and easy to say everything is purple in colour. All is Yuki's favourite colour. Yuki just put her bag at the side of bed that near to the window. I just take the another one. Suddenly, Yuki's phone rang but Yuki at the kitchen. So, I checked her phone and it was from Misaki. "Hey,Yuki. Your phone is ringing",I said but suddenly she taking her phone and go to the dining table. I don't see her at all. Ok, I can do that too. After a few minutes, she said that Misaki want to see us at the BDA cafeteria. We go out from our room and headed to the cafeteria.

*End of chapter 19. Sorry if kinda weirdo

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