Chapter 12:The Night Swordsman

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Free De La Hoya POV
Yuki just leave the Seiji's cafe with plenty of strawberry milk.I and the others were just pensive for a moment after seeing yuki's temperament change so easily.Valt asked Seiji"why that strawberry milk being Yuki's tranquilizer?".Seiji just laughed and said"In fact, this recipe is from Yuki herself. The ingredients are not just any choice, Yuki is good at choosing it.I only made it for her but can't be sold".Suddenly,Natsuki- sensei called Yuki to go to his office at the Top Elite Swordsman's Office.Yuki grab her sword and rush to the office."What is Top Elite Swordsmen's office?"Valt and the Naomi's family except for Yuki asked Misaki.Misaki answered"actually that office is only for the high level of sword skills user like Yuki and ...I don't know the more details about it.Ehek".I continued it"that office is the gathering place of all swordsmen from various types of elemental devices and they all have their beasts partner like Kurai,Yuki's dragon partner.It have lot of elemental devices that not being owned yet.That what I know from Yuki". The others were just shining eyes when I told them about the office that Yuki went to just now. I tilted my head.

Misaki asked"how about you tell us more about Yuki?Pleaseeee.We really want to know it".The others make a cute face even though it wasn't cute at all.I just sighed and said ok.They were sitting at the sofa meanwhile I just standing.Ahh,
whatever.I continued"the first time I know her is when we were kindergarten.I don't have a friend before I know Kris and she is the first friend that I know until now.She never tell that she... Sorry I can't tell you more about that.Sorry".Valt asked"why?".I just looked down because I was avoiding my eyes from changing to yellow colour.I just straight to the room and see my face at the mirror.My eyes already turn to light yellow eyes.

Night finally change place from morning...
Suddenly,Yuki went home and asked"where's Free?".Valt answer"at the our room".Yuki goes to the room and asks me to follow her somewhere.So I just came out of the room and Yuki see my light yellow eyes.She closed my eyes and open it back.She said"that's the way how to make your eyes back to normal".I feel relieved when she said that.Yuki headed to the door of the house with me to go somewhere.

A few minutes later...
I and Yuki arrived at the forest filled with fireflies.Yuki asked"beautiful,isn't?".I just nodded while watch the night scenery full with fireflies.Yuki lay down on the grass and asked me to do the same to watch starry night scenery but I already lay down and take a nap.Yuki feel irritated but just ignored it and continued watching the night scenery.

*To Be Continued...

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