Chapter 8: A Silent Heart

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Yuki Naomi POV
I continued with what I want to say to Free. I said that Free have a dagger.I think it's name is Fafnir same as his bey name and I said that I can't be hit by a human sword or knife otherwise I will be like the snow that falls in time.That's why my name is Yuki,it means snow.Free said"wait,fafnir is a dagger?I think it's a dragon dagger.But why you being a snow after being hit by a human sword?".I replied"because I being cursed with it.And yeah fafnir is your dragon dagger".Suddenly,Free gave me a book that I kind of recognize it and in it have a purple necklace same like before I being sealed.I asked"actually where do get this?".Free answer"from you at our memory dimension".I forgot that I give that book to him.Ehek😉.

Suddenly, my phone rang.I said that call is from Misaki.
After a few minutes,I ended the call.I said to Free that I have to go home right now.Misaki said that she want to make a suprise.Free asked"what kind of suprise?". I said that I don't know and I want to go right now with Free.

After one hours...
We arrived at Yuki's house but Free kind of awkward because it is the same house that he sleepover with Valt."Yuki,welcome back.And Happy Belated Birthday to you",everyone shouted when I and Free enter the house. I pulled Free out of the house. Free asked"why you pulled me out?and why you say that is your house?That is Yuuko's house".I said"Firstly,that is my family house and Yuuko is my second brother after me.Secondly,the reason I pulled you because I didn't expect that my father is at that house and third is today is not my birthday.My birthday is already past a few months ago". Free just nodded his head.
I and Free enter back the house.I said to Misaki"my birthday is not today and I don't want to celebrate it because have that guy in this house".I said that with with I pointed at my father with my index finger.Free and Misaki tried to calm me down but I didn't care about it.Suddenly,Naomi Kurone,my father grabbed my shoulder and said"I really sorry because doing such a thing to you.I don't have choice to do it otherwise you will be killed by your mother's killer.I really really sorry about it.I already regret it for what I have done to you". I said to him"I'm sorry too.I suppose not to have an argument with you.I really sorry too".

*Fuhah.End chapter 8.😀

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