Chapter 14:Sword Battle Match

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Yuki Naomi POV
When Free was with me outside,I opened a teleportation wall with my midnight blood sword. I said"how about we talk in here?.You enter it first and then I at the back to close the teleport,ok?".Free just enter the teleportation and I followed him at the back with closing the teleport.

A few minutes later...
I and Free at the place in the teleport that I call as secret mansion for me.Free asked"what do you want to talk with me?".I answered"I want you to release your own sword first.If not I will force you to do it".Free said with himself "I feel like I'm being threatened, but no matter what, I still have to do it".A few minutes after I teach him,finally he released his own sword but not akarui because in the sword fight rules said that demon sword can't be used in the fight.So I just teach how to release his own usual sword but suddenly I realize that his sword have a same shape like my sword with different colour on it from mine.

So I just teach how to release his own usual sword but suddenly I realize that his sword have a same shape like my sword with different colour on it from mine

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I glad that he get it finally.He asked"where I should put this thing?".I paused for a moment to hear Free's question.I said that I forgot to make his swordcover.I said"I forgot to tell you that Misaki is making your MDSA clothes for the fight.She really want to make it.She really good at fashion so I don't care about it".Free said that he didn't want his clothes to be too fashionable so he was worried he wouldn't feel comfortable with it.I just nodded and called Misaki to do what free just said to me about it. I said that the match is at Spain near to BC SOL,actually at BDA.BDA the only academy that have two place,one at Japan and one more at Spain.

Then,I give him a notebook about how to use that sword that I borrow from Natsuki-sensei.Free feeling bored when try to have mood to read it.I.just ignored it with making teleportation to go home.I take him in it and I entered it too.

*Settle.Next chapter please!Ehek😉

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