Chapter 18:Cause Of It

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Yuki Naomi POV
I and Yuika at the wide yard that little far from BC SOL. Special Archery Training for Yuika from me. Hehehe. Just kidding. Suddenly,Misaki came to me with cute happy face. Maybe she already give Silas that chocolate and Silas accept it. Misaki jumped on me and I fall to the ground."Yukiii,you know what? But you have to try to guess about it,ok?". I just smiled and said"fine. You're happy because Silas accept it, right? I can know it easily about you. Heh". Misaki
sighed. "I know you more than anyone so I can guess it easily. And now you want me to do what with it?". Misaki replied"you said you know everything about me". I said"fine,what do you want from me?". Misaki said"just wanna ask you about what Free says about...Oh my, I almost say it or else Yuki will kill me about this thing". I asked with my killing tone"about what?". Misaki being in the silent mode. I stared at her eyes with my glowing purple eyes. Misaki said"free says that you were a member of the Top Elite Swordsman and he tell about that but I just want to ask more about you. Just that thing only". I calmed myself down and asked"about what you want to know? and why you want to?". She said she want to know everything about me. I said"I don't ready to tell you yet.If I tell you,Free and I will ended up everyone's life that know about us totally with our inner demon. I don't want that happen and please don't force me to do it.So just forget it". Misaki just looked at the ground. I leave her with Yuika at that place and go at the forest that Free always been there for bey training.

A few minutes later...
When I at the forest,I saw Free was climbing rope at the tree. So, I just joining him climbing rope.Free looking back and said"why? Does Misaki almost know about it?" I already know that Free will ask that question because he is good at guessing though. I replied"yup,but someday she will know about it from you". Free stopped at the tree that front of him and asked"why me?". I smiled mockingly and said"who knows?Maybe I die first before you". Free continue his climbing and said"hey, don't say something ridiculous". I replied"why?Worried about me?Hahaha.I'm just kidding.Okay". Even though people says that Free kinda careless about something but I know he still has feelings. I just smiled at him when he still with his training.

*End of chapter 18.

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