Chapter 20:Free's New Outfit

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Free De La Hoya POV
"yuki,free. Come here quickly. We have something to show to you two"said Misaki.
I just sit beside Valt and Yuki sit beside Misaki. Suddenly, Misaki got up from her chair and called Yui Tsukiha. Actually, Yui is BDA's Second-In-Command but she is a friend to Yuki.
"YUKIIIIIII. FINALLY I CAN HUG YOUUU", Yui shouted and hugged Yuki.
"Hmm,long time no see" said Yuki with slow tone.
"Are you don't like when I'm around you?", Yui asked.
"No and sorry I have something to do", Yuki replied and leave the cafeteria. Yui just looked down when Yuki leave her like that.
Suddenly Misaki and Yui watch at me straightly and ask"what happen to Yuki?". I just make a smile and gone from there.
"Wait. Where did he go?",Misaki asked. Everyone just shake their heads.

Tomorrow morning...
"Yuki,when is the fight?", I asked when we were in our room.
"Why?"she asked me.
"Because you don't change your clothes yet", I said.
"Just because of that. I can change it anywhere that I want. Ok?" Yuki replied with changing her casual clothes to her fight clothes or more easy to say as Top Elite Swordsman outfit. But I don't get my own outfit from Misaki."Free,where is your clothes that being made by Misaki." Yuki asked.
I replied"No, I don't get it yet." Misaki pat her forehead and said"just wait for a while." She searching something in her bag. I just watching her from my bed. Yeah, I'm bored right now so I want to take a nap. Suddenly, Yuki threw a jacket at my face.
"Hey,why throw this at me?", I asked.
"Just wear it. Match it with your usual clothes. It will be umph", Yuki said with thumbs up. I just give it a try at the toilet and I kind of weww too. Ehek. So, I get out from the toilet and Yuki just staring at me when I'm out.
"I already say it. It will be umph." Yuki said.
"Yah,yah. Whatever." I said. Yuki just give her mocking smile at me. I sometimes feel irritated with that. Oh yah, the sword match actually today but at the afternoon and Yuki want me to follow her to somewhere. K bye.
"Hey,Free. Why you still at your bed? I have something to do right now." Yuki said. I just get up from my bed and follow her out from our room.

*End chapter 20. Actually have an art of Free's new outfit but I will put at last chapter that I will put everything about them at the character information. So byeeeeeeeee

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