Chapter 10:Opening of MDSA

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Yuki's dad and I climbed on the roof. He started the conversation.He said"luckily my heart doesn't go out from my body or else I will ended up in the grave this night.Actually what do you want to say?".I replied"I'm really sorry.I want to know more about this demon partner things".He said"sure.I know you're a demon partner for Yuki.I have to say about it.First of all,you have your own weapon,right?". I just nodded and said"yeah,I have akarui, a light yellow sword and Fafnir, a dagger same name like my bey.But I don't know how to use it".He replied"I'll show you how to use it tomorrow".I just nodded again and I went down the roof and headed into the house.

I just nodded again and I went down the roof and headed into the house

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*This is Misaki Kamiya.

The next morning, Yuki left the house to go to MDSA to meet
with Misaki.Yuki asked"Have you send an announcement video for the reopening of this
academy to the whole country?".Misaki replied"It's been ready for a long time".Rei Kizuna and Ryou Kurogane entering Yuki and Misaki's office space dan berkata"the students have already filled the academy hall space". We gave an 'Ok' symbol to them and go to the academy hall.Yuki stood on the stage to gave information about
class distribution.

Yuki stood on the stage to gave information about class distribution

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*This is Ryou Kurogane and Rei Kizuna

After recess time over...
Yuki and Misaki went back in the office.Suddenly,Rei came in a state of exhaustion entering the office space and straight to the Yuki's desk.She give Yuki a letter that she found the letter in Yuki's mailbox from Asuza Minamori,
President of BDA[Black Demon Academy].Yuki take the letter and put it in her bag instead of read it.Misaki confused by Yuki's behavior and make her more curious about the letter but as a friend,she doesn't want to read it.

After the school session,Yuki went home to read the letter.She sit at the sofa and her father give her a glass of chocolate milk.He sit beside her and asked"what letter is that?".She replied while she read it"Letter from Asuza.I hate him to much you know.The thing he know only a rematch sword battle all the time.Like I don't have something more important than that thing ".Yuki expressed her anger against Asuza to her father.He said"Don't mad at someone or else you will like him one day.Hehehe".Yuki opened her mouth after hearing about the matter and felt disgusted.Suddenly,I out from my room and asked"where is Valt right now?". Yuki and her father only watching each other and shook our heads as a sign of not knowing about it.

*Continued to the next chapter.Ehek😉

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